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About Automatik

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I've been trying to get borderless windowed mode working all day because I like to alt tab a lot, so I started using this program http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2675769. Every time that I enable the program the render resolution resets and the game gets incredibly blurry. I know the same thing happened in arma 2 but I never found a fix looking on my own. Anyone know how to get around it? I also tried shift window but I couldn't get the game to take up the whole screen, there was always a gap at the bottom.
  2. I have a 5 man mumble and am looking for some people to play with tonight. Feel free to PM me and I'll respond with the mumble info, should be playing soon.
  3. Automatik

    Looking to make/join a new Squad

    I have a 5 man mumble server so if you want to team up you can PM me and I'll give you the mumble info. I'm going to play tonight.