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About Kamikaze1012

  • Rank
  1. Kamikaze1012

    My Best KILL so FAR

    100% script kiddie :D
  2. Kamikaze1012


    You find Weapons in Houses, Deer Stands, Tents, on other Players :-) You can change youre view with the Enter Key on the Numpad x)
  3. Kamikaze1012

    Worst Hacker Ever in Existence

    lol you got my beans xD
  4. Kamikaze1012

    has the as50 tws been added back in?

    Me and my Brother killed yesterday also one Guy with AS50 TWS!
  5. Kamikaze1012

    What the heck skin is this?

    Whats the Prob=? O_o
  6. Kamikaze1012

    GIVING AWAY 10 AS50s

    I would take 10 of em for 1x AKM ^^ without mags... ^^ xD :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  7. Kamikaze1012

    I'd like to see vehicle possession added to DayZ

    And it wouldnt help you in RL in a Zombie Apocalypse to take the keys with you, when i would find a car i would break the window and hijack it xD
  8. Kamikaze1012

    Trading [H] Ghillie and Camo [W] offer

    Nobody believes you xD
  9. Kamikaze1012

    strangest loot i ever saw

    lol happened to me also once. Found 1 raw Meat in a house xD
  10. Kamikaze1012

    Military Tents

    We neeeed this camo tents xD
  11. Kamikaze1012

    Military Tents

    Yea, but it will be awesome if you could find those tents, to park cars under it, or place the small tents in it, so it would be much harder to find them! Like now, the glow out of the woods if you look at it from the right position......
  12. Kamikaze1012

    Military Tents

    ! How about big Military tents, where you can hide under it like cars, or the small tents? Just found that picture at Google, but i know it from other Arma2 Mods. http://www.google.at/imgres?um=1&hl=de&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:de:official&biw=1920&bih=996&tbm=isch&tbnid=w2QcBVcLEOGZiM:&imgrefurl=http://german.ali***.com/product-gs/optical-camouflage-net-252971965.html&docid=CJtQ2aDsgzF6nM&itg=1&imgurl=http://img.ali***.com/photo/252971965/Optical_Camouflage_Net.jpg&w=609&h=469&ei=h_cWUL8fhPXhBN6cgcgF&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1431&vpy=294&dur=446&hovh=197&hovw=256&tx=89&ty=93&sig=105391688023536859599&page=1&tbnh=152&tbnw=197&start=0&ndsp=44&ved=1t:429,r:42,s:0,i:200 You could hide a camp much better, because right now, there is no safe place for a nice camp :-(
  13. Kamikaze1012


    I just thougt about it, cause sometimes i come to a lake, have no food, enough water, but sometimes i just find no animal xD