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Everything posted by Salling

  1. Slenderman is an urban legend and in case you don't know much about him: Google it! Slenderman is normally just a tall person standing there and watching you. In pictures he's usually in the background far away. Maybe you guys could add him maybe as an easteregg or just random event where you see him shortly and then disappears. Just to make the atmosphere even more creepy!
  2. Salling

    Suggestion: Slenderman!

    I see your point and I kinda agree with that Slenderman does not fit into the game since he's supernatural, but that is also why I would like to see him as an easteregg, you know, something that doesn't really fit into the game but is still funny/scary/whatever.
  3. Salling

    Suggestion: Slenderman!

    As I said "Just to make the atmosphere even more creepy!"
  4. Salling

    Starting items

    To be honest I don't really like the idea. There's not much surviving in buying weapons. Sorry.
  5. Salling


    And right before we kill the snipers, we say LOLBATMANLOL so they know who we are!
  6. Salling

    Stream DayZ?

    I just wanted to ask if somebody knows how I can stream DayZ.. I'm using Xsplit which means that the game HAS to be in windowed mode OR fullscreen windowed, but it seems like if you run CO you can't enable windowed mode. You can start the game in windowed mode before you launch the game, but I'm guessing that it won't be CO it's running but just OA in windowed mode..
  7. Salling

    Low FPS only with Arma

    I have the same problem... Played the game the last couple of days without any FPS problems at all, and then suddenly I was locked at around 14 FPS. Tried to do the shift + the - and then write FLUSH but didn't work. Really annoying.