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About sauced

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    hardware, Software, Dayz, girlfriend.
  1. I love Namalsk but its way to small, i wouldnt mind double size or even more than that. As for the standalone... no thank you, why would i be interested in buying a restricted game?, when i can have a free mod that does everything better. You think the standalone will be free of hackers ? WarZ had the same goal and look how that turned out. ;)
  2. sauced

    finding duped shit. everywhere

    Simple answer you choose the wrong servers, there are many servers that dont even have tents, i got 3 servers and none of them have hacked or duped items. Forget LIngor it is as bad as Chernarus when it comes to tents and duping, Namalsk is the map to play on if you dont want to many hacked items or tents.
  3. sauced

    Safest Game Style In DayZ?

    You realize hackers are able to give themselfes skins right? and humanity as far as i heard, meaning your play style is not safe at all. Still you need to get some water bottles to refill, matches, a hatchet and a knife before you can leave towns behind.
  4. Do you have any in europe then ? or washington. If you get any available please send me a email.
  5. Will it be possible to switch to a public hive ? atm there is only shared and private hives.
  6. I rented at DayZ.st now, i grew tired of waiting 24 hours for a ticket at survivalservers, but to be fair their servers is great and reliable, their staff when they answer is helpful and friendly enough, maybe im just impatient but everyday your server is not running is money wasted. I rented a server located in Amsterdam at Dayz.st and the server came up as soon as my order was completed, Changing your server map, starting loadout and cfg is easy and free of any problems, i had immediately access to a map tool and database access and didnt have to pay extra, but most importantly their support works, they have irc, livesupport and email where you can ask any question and they will answer quickly.
  7. The custom control panel alone is reason enough to rent a server here if you ask me, its simple yet it has everything you need including access to database and map. I didnt have to wait for the server to setup, everything was working the the minute i completed my order. I forgot to update my Lingor map and they quickly told me that i was missing a map update. Cant get any better than this. :thumbsup:
  8. I still have no reply on my ticket and i paid 40 dollars for the server and tools so far, plus i never received login credentials for the tool i paid for either. The server has been stuck on "waiting for host" for two days now, i really want to keep the server but it has never worked after they changed the hive and i cant keep waiting 24 hours for a single reply. If it takes 5-10 bucks to give a better support each month then i would pay that, i lose more money being unable to use the server in the end.
  9. I used to rent at Vilayer and they offered no customization on your server at all, it basically felt like running a server for them instead of having your own. Im now renting at Survivalservers.com and they offer great tools and the server seems to be very responsive, maybe because im one of the few renting a server located in europe. :P I transfered from a public to a private hive and the server havent been up and running since, the last ticket reply did not solve the issue so now im waiting another 24 hours. Their support could definitely be better, but the server ran great for a month and i never had issues with saving gear or with desyncing.
  10. I did everything on this list and its still not getting into the lobby. 1/ Login to TC Admin 2/ Stop your game server 3/ Edit Bliss / server.cfg using Config Editor -> Choose the world (Chernarus, Lingor, Takistan, Utes, Panthera) 4/ Edit Bliss / server.cfg using Config Editor -> Make sure DB user / DB pass is accurate (*** USE YOUR DAYZTOOLS USER/PASS ***) 5/ Edit Bliss / server.cfg using Config Editor -> Choose your Bliss settings (rMod, Side Chat) 6/ Edit Bliss / server.cfg using Config Editor -> Save 7/ Edit Bliss / bliss.ini using Config Editor -> Click Save (nothing else, it just overwrites your outdated bliss.ini) 8/ Go to Commandline Manager in TC Admin 9/ Choose the world and/or rMod commandline that fits your settings 10/ Go to Mod Manager in TC Admin 11/ Click "Uninstall" next to the Bliss v3.5 update (optional step, only if it applies to you!) 12/ Click "Install" next to the Bliss v3.6 update 13/ *** Please be patient, this may take 10-15 minutes to complete during busy hours - DO NOT CLOSE *** My command line. -mod=@DayZ;@BlissChernarus -ip= -port=3802 -profiles=Bliss -config=Bliss\server.cfg -cfg=Bliss\arma2.cfg -name=Bliss -netlog
  11. I changed from public hive to private hive and now my server is stuck on waiting for host forever, i changed from Bliss v3.5 to v3.6 and still no luck.
  12. sauced

    Level/map Progression "Story Mode"

    Having a leveling or progression system for zombies that gives certain benefits in PvP aswell is something i desire very much. This is zombie survival mod so why is nobody killing zombies ? because theres no reason to, you can avoid them and save ammo, the stuff they can drop is be aquired much easier from tents, towns or shooting players, thats why theres nothing else but deathmatch going on at the moment. What if killing enough zombies give you certain benefits and increase the more you kill ? have to be something significant enough to encourage you to shoot at something other than players, Either way i would like to see zombies playing a bigger role in DayZ making them more attractive to kill without giving up the sandbox feeling ofcourse.
  13. Worse than ever, i had 4 mass teleports just this evening all on different servers. They will never defeat script bypassers in arma 2, i can guarantee that now, they might get plenty of extra money due to Battleye stealth updates resulting in global bans, but there are people that pay loads of money for updated bypassers aswell. DayZ wont be free of script kiddies untill arma 3, im not even sure it will be then.