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About Jeppzore

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  1. Jeppzore

    3D Modeling

    I've got Autodesk Maya Student Version for free... I guess it's because I've got a registered account on autodesk that has some kind of connection to my school. But I can download it how many times I want and at any computer.
  2. Jeppzore

    DayZ Scenario: Would You Kill or Help

    I'd help. Just because I can't live with killing a guy that's talking to me being friendly, just to stabb him in the back. Either i'd leave him alone or i'd help.
  3. Jeppzore

    [Video] The tragic reality of playing DayZ

    Funiest DayZ video i've seen on youtube :D
  4. Jeppzore

    A new DayZ

    Sounds epic :D Would be cool indeed. If it was ever created.
  5. Jeppzore

    Motivation to kill zombies

    I like the idea :D Not only with keys, but maybe other rare items as well so it would be worth killing them.
  6. Jeppzore

    battleye global banned?

    If it's just a ban from the server then all you need to do is choose another one.. If it's a global ban from all servers with Battleye, i'd suggest buying the game again with a new account and don't hack on that one.
  7. Jeppzore

    Your Funniest DayZ Moments?

    When me and my RL friends found our first working vehicle: A bus! We drove around all day and then suddenly it just blew up and we all died except my brother :( But we sure had alot of fun!
  8. Jeppzore

    To the prime douchenozzle on US 279

    Don't trust anyone! :)
  9. Jeppzore

    SE 20 Shoot-off

    Just logged in on SE 20 and spawned outside stary where I left of the other day. 5 seconds later I look to the left and to my surprise I see my first helicopter crash site. I crawled as always, being very carefull. When I got a clearer view of the helicopter I saw a guy there with a ghillie suit, although he was at the other side of the helicopter so I only saw his legs! After thinking for a few secs what to do, I decided to fire some shots at him with my M4A1 CCO. But I couldn't hit him because of the helictoper :( He then started to panic and ran away, so I took cover because he had a sniper and I didn't have a clear shot at him. And to my surprise, he had a parked car behind the helicopter! And he had another friend with him, also with ghillie suit and a AS50 sniper rifle! So I went forward and took cover behind the helicopter, and scouted for them. After a while, I saw one of them, lying by the tree line, maybe 150 meters away. So I aimed for his head and shot him about 4-5 times until I saw on my debug-minitor: "Murders: 1". I knew he had another friend with him, so i didn't ran up to him. Instead I went around the place (they were up a small hill, so the other guy didn't have a clear view of me, nor did I of him) When I was about 200m behind of the guy I just killed, I saw the other one in a tree-line maybe 30-50 meters from the other dead guy) My heart was beating faster and faster, I ran up to him from behind to get a clear shot. I shot him about 3 times and he was dead. I couldn't believe it. So I ran up to him and started to loot him (I didn't have a ghillie suit, and I couldn't take his either :/ ). He had a AS50, rangefinder, nightvision goggles, everything I could've asked for. Also he had the same gun as me (m4a1 CCO) but it was silienced, so I took that one as well. Morphine, GPS, blood bags, epi-pen and so on. After a few sec of looting, I heard sniper shots at me, also from a AS50, so I ran in different directions trying to avoid the shots, and I was lucky he was a terrible sniper. So I lay down in the grass for a while, and heard that he took the car and drove away, so now I was safe. Well, that's what I hoped at least. I went to loot the other guy, which had about the same items, except for a sniper that I couldn't recall it's name. But it had in-built nightvision on, and if I turned on my nightvision again (N) I had a red scope instead. But I didn't loot it. So there I was (still am) just outside of stary, beside a helicopter crash which has a FAL in it, and are fully geared, no slots left and 12k blood... *ESC* *ABORT* *ENTER DAYZMOD.COM*
  10. Jeppzore

    SE 20 Shoot-off

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/63592-se-20-shoot-off/ for the story
  11. It's not a game, it's a mod and he's testing new stuff all the time because it's an ALPHA! Don't be afraid of the changes here, if they're really bad (the changes) they will get fixed. So just play with it, or don't. That's your choices.
  12. Jeppzore

    Ambush in Cherno

    Indeed a cool story and well played by you guys :) Not just shooting on sight but really planing and executing it perfectly.
  13. Jeppzore

    Global ban #0ba9

    You should contact them yourself tbh. And the program must have been manipulating the game somehow, otherwise I don't think you'd have received the ban.
  14. Jeppzore

    Faces of the dead.

    Sounds cool :)