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aNGsTbLasEEE (DayZ)

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About aNGsTbLasEEE (DayZ)

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  1. aNGsTbLasEEE (DayZ)

    Cheater @ FR113

    2. cheater on this server Nick: VladimirPoutine he used cheats to spawn a lot of weapons and cars. then he started to teleport to players and killed them.... sry didnt get any screens but i think u can see it cause of their weaponspawn in their inventory..... i hope u will do something.... if not bye bye dayz :rolleyes: 21 days till warz then np
  2. aNGsTbLasEEE (DayZ)

    Cheater @ FR113

    His Nick: [FREAK]_Blacky he teleports to us to kill us.... he didn´t die by 3 headshots of a m24 and other weapons and he also used a cheat to spawn weapons.
  3. aNGsTbLasEEE (DayZ)

    armaX user can play now??

    the same "soon" as it was with 1.7.2 release? so u can wait 2 month... :@ have fun @ dayz :@ :@ :@ :@
  4. aNGsTbLasEEE (DayZ)

    Stuck on loading since last day of

    hi, got the same problem.... stuck on loading... can someone help me? :( Name: aNGsTbLasEEE ID: 349634AX
  5. it's so ridiculous that they can´t fix it in a small hotfix.....
  6. some infos would be nice... waiting for 2 weeks....
  7. .... same problem.... still waiting for patch.... ID: 349634AX
  8. aNGsTbLasEEE (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    the patch can do it ;D
  9. aNGsTbLasEEE (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    prague because of Bohemia Interactive, they based in Prague or?
  10. aNGsTbLasEEE (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    obi wan help us :D
  11. aNGsTbLasEEE (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    update where are you? ;)
  12. aNGsTbLasEEE (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    some of us can´t enjoy this mod/fun because of "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application"... we need this patch now....
  13. aNGsTbLasEEE (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    some of us can´t play, because of "This server is running an incorrect version of server side appliction" .... -.-" so we need this ******* patch....
  14. Target date is Monday. Backup is for Saturday during offpeak time. (Thread 1.7.2 pending...) ok patch? Where is it? ;)
  15. thx for the advice triple but didnt work :D w8ting for update on monday.... oh sry its already friday... P.S. give a shit on 1.7.2.... -.-" just give us the hotfix now :@:@:@..... aNGsTbLasEEE ID: 349634AX