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About c_mckevitt@yahoo.co.uk

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. c_mckevitt@yahoo.co.uk

    Best Possible Video Settings? for my comp

    Im just wondering if anyone could post up the video settings which they are using for running Dayz atm. My computer will run at average settings but im just wondering what things arent really necessary that i could turn down to low or disable it. Ive disabled Shadows but what else could i turn down low or off? and what is the 3D settings about? not totally sure about this Thanks
  2. c_mckevitt@yahoo.co.uk

    Quick question?

    So i recently bought arma 2 combined operations, but as my net aint tr best it is taking a while to download. But before i even bought it i already downloaded arma 2 free. So im wondering can i just downloa operation arrowhead for now an run it on arma 2 free and then when i finish downloading the better amra 2 can i switch to it easily? If so how do i go about doing it? Thanks
  3. c_mckevitt@yahoo.co.uk

    How good of a connection do you need to run this?

    Ok thanks for the replies ill stick to low player servers then hopefully it will run fine for me :D thanks
  4. c_mckevitt@yahoo.co.uk

    How good of a connection do you need to run this?

  5. So im thinking of getting the game soon, mainly waiting for the steam sale to see if it drops in price. But i was wondering how good of a connection do you need to run this? I live in the UK and atm i can only get a 2mb connection and thats on a good day could i run this alright? i downloaded the free version of Arma 2 and tried playing online but took a while to connect and when i did it was laggy, i choose a server which had 60ping it was the lowest, most of them had a ?. Thanks any help appreciated