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Everything posted by tehjeffman

  1. tehjeffman

    Logging out question!

    They have fixed it in a up coming beta patch. It will be released soon.
  2. tehjeffman

    Impossible to Report Hackers

    I am a server admin and I gave up after a day. The logs suck and even knowing regex and being good at braking up log files I still can't do shit with them. Someone combat dced and I had the time frame but not the exact sec. Guess what, 4 people Dced at 7:17pm and I can't ban them all to get 1 guy.
  3. tehjeffman

    Seattle 155 2/2

    i would call that braking the rules. Photo attached for proof.
  4. If you make Seattle 150 home I will donate gear, tents, and even a vehicle to your group. The bigger the group, the more I will donate to you. Vehicles are limited but we have more guns then we need. ADDED: Vehicles are not guaranteed, lot of pms already and I can't give them to everyone. PM me for info. Server runs on pst so gets dark about 9-10 pst. Server auto restarts at 8/11 est/pst am and pm. Reg. 3dp on, wp on , no xhair, no name tags. May change setting if enough people ask. UPDATE: Made my first gun dead drop for {FG} clan. If they are still playing come Monday night-ish they will be the first to receive a motor vehicle.
  5. tehjeffman

    Come play on Seattle 150, Will give you gear.

    No they stay but you have to save it a few times. They are mass resetting all server with a patch/hotfix Monday. What do you mean mass reset? Does that included our equipped gear as well?:huh: Some said there was a post in http://dayzmod.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=2 I'm just going off what I was told. Was just told it's only the empty tents but you never know.
  6. tehjeffman

    Come play on Seattle 150, Will give you gear.

    Really? That's what i'm told Make sure you have beta patch 94444
  7. tehjeffman

    Come play on Seattle 150, Will give you gear.

    Server was up at Wednesday 7/4 at around 1am my time. I Didn't start playing on it till Friday 7/6. The group I play with got on Friday night after The Mercs server got super hacked Thursday night. We just ran around looking for spawns. 2 we found parked off the road out of gas, 1 someone parked at the airfield as bate and got sniped, another was driving around and jumped out and tried to kill 2 clan mates and got mowed down with a SAW. Server has never been locked and don't think can be locked do to HBF hosting safe guards.
  8. tehjeffman

    Come play on Seattle 150, Will give you gear.

    No they stay but you have to save it a few times. They are mass resetting all server with a patch/hotfix Monday.
  9. tehjeffman

    Come play on Seattle 150, Will give you gear.

    They are not in tents ;) After they reset Monday we are setting some up and giving cars up.
  10. tehjeffman

    Come play on Seattle 150, Will give you gear.

    I got on with 10-15 people the first day and new server are easy to find stuff on so we have more gear then we need and I would like to get more then 20 people on at a time. Also someone did it for my group 2 weeks ago before I got my own server and seems like a nice thing to pass on. Already gave a white offroad to a group of 3-5 and 2 tents. We didn't have guns stock piled yet but have offered them some aks. I come alone with no gun. You kill me we will just spend time trying to find your camp and take the vehicle back. How is that? Same as raiding a camp and finding gear and cars but easier. It does not affect other servers as your tents and cars will only remain on my server. Not like I'm handing out NVGs and m107s.
  11. tehjeffman

    Come play on Seattle 150, Will give you gear.

    posted edited with info
  12. tehjeffman

    Seattle 151 - Where has it gone?

    Come play on Seattle 150. Pending on how many people you bring to make us home we will donate a vehicle and tents.
  13. tehjeffman

    S.T.A.R.S Clan Needs to come talk to me.

    Thanks for the guid
  14. tehjeffman

    No-CD key server

    No save to hive I was told. Don't know if it's true.
  15. Was about to change my server to a vet server and someone told it would reset my tints and cars. Is this true? really don't want to lose my stuff =X
  16. tehjeffman

    HFB Servers

    Bought a server form them for 30 days then started reading forums. Should have read the forums first as I'm not renewing after the first month. Ask a real question and get no replay, ask for a refund and get a reply in 5 minutes saying no. Now that's the kind of support I like to see....
  17. tehjeffman


    Getting tired of pinning down someone and having them log off run 100ft on a different server then logging back in to jump you from behind. 3/4 of the time I had A 50 cal watching my back and seeing them spawn before they could kill me. Or logging out in a high traffic building server hopping to shot people from behind after they cleared the building. Makes me sad to feel like after we have all doors covered, someone can just appear are erase all your hard work. And even if your team is there to avenge you, they have jumped to a new server or alt-f4ed out. I can live with teleporting zombies that are hard to shot but server hoppers are making the game suck more then anything else.
  18. So after reading the FAQ I still have some questions Unforchantly we do not have static IPs at this location and I read it’s not required but better. How will that affect hosting a server? Not sure if I have a server that has a full 3gb quad core but they have A lot of lower tier equipment we are retiring at work. Could I ran a 25-30 person server with a smaller cpu or are the zombie spawns / population the same regardless of player size and bandwidth the factor in population size? Does Dayz/arma 2 servers run better on 2003 or 2008 and x86 vs 64bit?