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Everything posted by Tonymaroni

  1. Hi! I played the Lingor map, found a motorcycle and was cruising through the city asking people if anybody needs a ride.One guy, very politely, asked if i could pick him up like two villages ahead.No problem i told him, i would get him and take him to the airfield or wherever he wants to go. I arrived at the village and used my horn.He came out of a building, stood next to me and the bike and he instantly shot me in the head.Cool bro. This has nothing to do with banditry.This is just annoying people.I hope he get`s cancer or dies in a car crash suffering to death. Sadly after that my arma 2 crashed and i couldn`t find the server again to tell him what piece of shit scumbag he was. I don´t know if i keep playing this game.Some of you bandits out there at least tell people they are bandits and to be aware.Not like that cheesy motherfucker i encountered.These guys clearly don`t have the balls to be assholes in real life so they do it in videogames where they can`t get hurt.
  2. Tonymaroni

    Is this what you call a bandit?

    i am already insane as i am a player who gets really mad really fast.But i just didn`t expect that. I will continue playing but how can i trust anyone besides friends i talk to in skype or something.This makes me turn into a fucking raging killing machine who doesn`t trust anyone even if they say they are friendly. Thanks for the replies though
  3. Tonymaroni

    |Sp3c| ( 3 Spec ) Group. Recruiting The Best!

    another reason to join.lol.humorous asshole.have fun being paranoid.see ya.
  4. Tonymaroni

    To you lazy snipers.

    yeah you must be a rocket scientist like the Doctor to know how to play this game. :rolleyes:
  5. Tonymaroni

    I hit the motherload

    fuck you and fuck you too
  6. Tonymaroni

    I hit the motherload

    cool story bro this happens to hundreds of thousands of people everyday in DayZ. Are you fucking serious?Do you fucking think anybody in this fucking forum fucking cares about this fucking random fucking story?
  7. Tonymaroni

    To you lazy snipers.

    uhh a bandit hunter, badass over here. you don`t understand obv. and you call yourself doctor?there are certain places, in the firehouse for example.You can hit him when he stands in there but if you hit him and break his leg he is prone behind the walls.you get it now doctor?
  8. Tonymaroni

    From Survivor to Bandit in 1 week

    zombies are only a threat, as i already explained in the thread, for casual players and noobs like you, no offense.You run into a building, run out on the other side and all zombies are gone.big fucking deal. stairs provide much more danger than zombies.Only noobs are afraid of zeds.have you ever seen a zombie with an AK shooting at you?
  9. Tonymaroni

    [EU/English] The Sentinels (Recruiting)

    No that was the plan.Now you are paranoid all the time.I could be anyone buddy, aaaaaaaaaaaanyyyyyyyyyyoneeeeeeeeee ahahahhahahahahahahaha. Well i am obv. not a dumbass.I will perfectly time it and at least get away with a bunch of kills and a vehicle.annnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  10. i dont know.it`s just funny that they thought nobody would care.but why can hackers join servers with battleeye?
  11. good idea.sadly the creators are stupid morons.gone after 4 days.LOL.Don`t ever get into the development industry pls.
  12. Tonymaroni

    I hit the motherload

    cool story bro
  13. Tonymaroni

    From Survivor to Bandit in 1 week

    nobody can touch me in a stand off 1on1. i have better movement than 95% of the players who play this game.there are a lot of casual gamers who can`t take me out when i run around in circles.i am a fucking beast.I kill on sight, i don`t give a shit.
  14. Tonymaroni

    To you lazy snipers.

    you ever thought they maybe not able to hit you when you lay down?i love smart people like you.you are so fucking smart
  15. Tonymaroni

    |Sp3c| ( 3 Spec ) Group. Recruiting The Best!

    i will apply, i will join you and i will kill every single one of you
  16. Tonymaroni

    [EU/English] The Sentinels (Recruiting)

    i will apply, i will join you and i will kill every single one of you
  17. Tonymaroni

    "Noah Kelly" Hacking on US196

    this server sucks bigtime, EVERYTHING IS FENCED!WHOLE ELEKTRO!noobclan hosting
  18. Tonymaroni

    Americans = faggots

    First they make fun of my foreign accent like fucking racists and then they shoot unarmed people.happened to me like 10 times, always americans.fuck you all!!!
  19. Tonymaroni

    Americans = faggots

    i like my dick in your mum.I´m 29 and i have studied.I`m not a moron.Where i come from we learn more in preschool than you on your universities.i am the fucking boss. you guys think people who fucking say fuck 3 times in a fucking sentence are stupid but they aren`t.They are angry.
  20. Tonymaroni

    Americans = faggots

    you are probably the only exception :'( it probably was an american server i don`t know i will.another dumpemail gone :(
  21. Tonymaroni

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    Wonderful idea, i love you <333333333333 The sad part is that i already know almost everything, besides the fact that i`m stuck in the loading screen very often and very long, so i don`t really need your help anymore.BUT if i get in an encounter with you i`ll make sure you arrive at your destination safely :-) Greetings from a German who can`t believe americans can be so polite :lol:
  22. Tonymaroni

    Loser campfire

    this should be the title of this forum you fucking losers
  23. Tonymaroni

    Loser campfire

    they are only useless in your eyes mr. loser