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Everything posted by Gdot

  1. This server should be avoided when ever a certain two people died the server got restarted with no warning. Do not bother wasting your time on this server run by little girls who can't play the game and restart when ever they die.
  2. Good news. lu160 has now rolled back to as tents and vehicles did not save on So get back on and eat some beans.
  3. Gdot

    Server with save function working !

    Excellent news see you in Cherno.
  4. Came across two guys on a green USMC me and three other friends and chased them down. I one guy who had taken more than three shots from the lee enfield to the head and chest and did not die and logged off. Anyway we took the bike and I am guessing its a hacked vehicle its a green USMC and have not come across it yet I have since destroyed it as I am not sure if its hacked. Thanks
  5. Thanks for reply people. Either way it was taken :(. Good Hunting
  6. Gdot


    Give this man some beans. He is wise.
  7. Gdot

    LU160 Team looking for backup

    Hey sudden2k Me and a few friends are mostly on your server and I must say personally it is a well run server. We have a bit of kit and would prefer to be a larger group including us all. Many Thanks for a 10/10 server. :beans: