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About direwind

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. direwind

    Afew MUST have ideas!

    another idea! Food is and water is drained while offline, if you are uncamped and log out in an alter state(not at rest, not near a camp or bed) then you use more food and water. this will make the game harder! and alot more realistic!
  2. direwind

    The search for a cow..

    the only cow i can find is the mother of the family that lives next door to me.... and i wouldnt want to eat her.
  3. direwind

    The search for a cow..

    lol damn, i need some beef!
  4. i have wandered the world for miles and not seen one cow! if only the map map was based around essex! then i would have more than one breed of cow to hunt.
  5. direwind

    Make it harder, less loot

    easy fix!! night vision/thermal and the like need batteries to use! 4 military grade batteries for 20 mins of use!
  6. direwind

    Afew MUST have ideas!

    When you die, you get the see the last few things that hit you and what killed you..... it helps with wtf rage.$edit, i meant a combat log, not fallout death cam :) remove the ability to set gamma in-game, set all servers to a local time so people can't jump server when it gets too dark, and fix the moon actually gives off some light so we can see at night. weapons/items that use night vision or thermal vision use battery power, to use them you need to find these rare items. players start with a stick, so we can bash zombies and die trying.. its better than nothing... the ability to use the hunting knife + wood + flint to spark a fire, this should be used rarly because it blunts the knife and can cause you to bleed if you fail the attempt > the bleed links to another idea in the list, this bleed would be a minor wound. when you break your leg, using two bandage + two wood allows you to splint your leg, this slows your movment -25% and +8% to noise while moving, you cannot kneel while splinted. when you run out of ammo for a weapon you can use the weapon as a club. have the ability to shoulder one main weapon while you use another, this slows movment by -8% and noise by +5% have degrees of bleed, not every cut should gush like some cheesy japansese manga, minor wounds should stop bleeding on their own, average wound stops after some time has passes, major woulds will kill you if you dont bandage.
  7. ahah you forum avatar was me last night, i actually managed to get an awesome weapon, hunting knife, matches and meds on a full server without being snipered, i log out for less than 10 mins in a forest in the middle of no where, and get killed in the debug forest by some punk.. it happend atlest 3 times that night but the other times i had nothing good.
  8. i request INSTANT bans lasting atleast 1 week for players who goto to the debug forest with the express intent to griefing and exploit. I don't mind MOFOs sniping me in the head for the fun of it, i dont mind being shot in the leg while running away from a hord of zombies for the amusment of the sniper, even tho its a slow painful death, no one wants their meat balls chewed off. but what i will not tolerate and cannot forgive or forget is being killed while im loading into the game because some inbreed can't obtain his gear by normal means and has to harvest players who cannot fight back. Also, i would really, really love a on death combat log stating the source of my death >IE zombie> gun shot> environment
  9. direwind

    NOT f!"£%!£%ing amused

    yes, because its so amusing to exploit the game, to kill without risk, to know you are ruining hours of people works with afew swings of an axe..
  10. direwind

    NOT f!"£%!£%ing amused

    the thought of some dirty little shit running around the spawn forest killing people as they log into play just to take their loot enraging
  11. So, i actually get a go where i manage to get meds from a city, food and water and a weapon, i manage to run off in land to a a forest! im having fun! i'm exploring! i need to log off for afew seconds while use the mens room.. so i log off deep in the forest next to my camp fire.. I log in... and guess what... SOME FUCKING CUNT SHOOTS ME WHILE IM INSIDE THE SPAWNING| FOREST! I know that is what they did, there is no other way i could have died while in the middle of spawning into the fucking world, buts and exploits like that totally piss me the hell off...
  12. i know the zombies are bugged atm, i saw the post, but this is a serious wtf situation! these zombies hear me from miles off run at me and ninja kick me in the face knocking me out cold then they feast on my meat balls.... its pretty crazy atm. lol
  13. Ok, i dunno if im just unlucky... but.. Zombies are seeing me while im in total cover and making no noise, they auto sense me the second i crawl past in prone... they are one shotting me, if they hit me in the back, im dead.. arm broken, legs broken and knocked out.... they are pretty much breaking my legs on average 1 in 5 hits. after the server lagging/hacked shit that happend afew days ago i lost my gear after lasting a good 7 days, now its pretty much respawn try to get hatchet zombie breaks my legs respawn... try again... zombie sees me knocks me out... respawn.... can't be bothered to stealth so i run in pick my stuff up abort log back in.. radom zombie hits me in the back breaks arm and legs... punches ESC through the table and respawns...
  14. direwind

    A good thing going bad.

    how about if you have a bandage +plus wood you can make a splint for the leg, you move slower and it effects your aim, but the leg will heal after say afew hours of game play
  15. the fun is draining from this game, once you could sneak about and ally with other players, you didn't trust them but it wasnt a shoot on sight situation shit fest either now all you do is respawn and get shot in the head by some cunt with a sniper camping all the major starter loot points, they don't even loot you fucking body, they just kill you because they know it will piss you off and know you have no chance to fight back. there is no way to avoid this either, some loot only drops in the citys, and to even stand a chance you need them, you could run in land but if you break a leg its instant game over... if you have no matches, hatchet its game over, if you cant get a bottle that can be filled with water have fun dying of thrist......