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About Stick32

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. FOREWORD: I'm not sure how hard these ideas would be to implement in the ArmA2 engine. I think the engine might be able to handle it it though and these idea's would make a great addition to this awesome mod. The idea's here are inspired by and/or somewhat copied from other threads I've read. I have a tendency to ramble so please bear with me on this long post. So, you've been alive for 12 days now... You've amassed an impressive cache of weapons, food, and survival gear. You have your own personal transportation, Congratulations!... Now what? The answer currently is to just start hunting other survivors for fun, which imho breaks the spirit of this mod. It's for this reason I think we need long term goals/endgame missions. The idea I have specifically works well with the Random spawn ideas mentioned here. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5921 My endgame mission idea goes back to my previous question. "Now what?" The answer: "Get the hell out of Chenarus! That's what!" Somewhere on the map is a crashed Transport (possibly random or server events). You have reason to believe that their may be something at this crash site that will let you get out of Chenarus. This crashed transport may be crawling with Zed's and/or have heavily armed military/survivor AI guarding it. It needs to have something that will make it a challenge to get in, get the item, and get out. What item are we getting? There are a couple ways we could go with this. Maybe your going to retrieve an IFF transponder from the plane. So that you can install it on your repaired chopper. And the IFF transponder will let you get to a military base (not reachable by foot) or ship off the coast that will shoot you down without it. Or, at the crash site there is a coded military radio that will let you call in for an evac or provide you coordinates for an evac to the previously mentioned base/ship. Personally I like the first idea more because a) it's harder, and b) it will likely require a group effort. So now the question is what happens once you safely 'evac'? Ideally, (and I realize this will probably only happen a long ways down the road) is that this is how you'll get access to other DayZ maps. Say, while on a transport from Chenarus to Lingor, your plane goes down (again) this time over Takistan. Which could be another server that will automatically boot you if your character data says you haven't 'cleared' Chenarus. You can do this for each new map.. In order to move on to the next map, you have to complete the last map(s) survival scenario (strung together like in left 4 dead). If you really wanted to be a sadistic S.O.B. (I'm looking at you Rocket ;) ) you could have it so if you get killed on the 3rd map you have to go back to the first i.e. Chenarus. Another idea for Takistan/Chenarus: On Takistan, say you have to cross the "Savahnie" (misspelling is intentional) desert so you'll need a working offroad vehicle and X amount of food, water, spare parts, and Jerry cans. However, since this is currently the only map we have, we could have it so that you basically respawn in Chenarus with half of your stuff (selected at random), different kit loadouts (i.e. food, water, medicine and a few basic survival items, but no weapons), or only the basic gear you start with. We could keep track of your number of successful completions. Say after completing the survival scenario you could gain access to special veteran skins as a reward. So these are my idea's. Please give feedback on what you think of them, or feel free to offer your own. I think this game needs something to offer the grizzled survivor to keep them from becoming a bandit who kills because he's bored. :) Or It could just set up some interesting scenarios for you dastardly bandits to hunt survivors you evil, horrible, people ;)
  2. I love the idea of parachute insertion.
  3. Stick32

    The ability to mark spots on your map

    when you make your mark on the map be sure your in the direct channel. It only shares your marks with people in whatever channel you are in.
  4. That's fine, When one day you log in and realize your basically playing Deathmatch with zombies. You'll be comfortable with knowing that you helped create this.
  5. Stick32

    So today all bandits are gone?

    /sigh, way to ignore the rest of my entire argument so you can come back with a petty attack. You didn't answer the rest of my argument. Wouldn't their be consequences? Are you implying that killing a deer is the same thing as killing another human?
  6. Stick32

    Improving the respawn system

    I think the random respawn idea could be good with one caveat. if you respawn in a random location you should be parachuting in and remove the announcement telling you where you are. I like this idea because it actually kinda adds some backstory to how you ended up in your current situation. Maybe you were taking a plane to a safe zone and midflight you find out an infected had gotten aboard and things went crazy and you had to bail. Thereby, losing all your stuff and dropping you into a strange and unfamiliar land. The more I think about this idea the more I like it.
  7. you nearly jump out of your chair everytime there is a loud sound.... whether your playing or not.