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Everything posted by paradox87

  1. Kay, no.. just because you have a long rifle inside of a building you should be forced to use a sidearm or a melee weapon? Really? Cause in real life I'm fairly certain the M4A1 was designed for close range combat. As for mobility through doorways, in real life you'd be able to work the gun around corners of doorways much easier than can be replicated in a video game. So.. if we're going for realism here, like how everything else is in the game, the current system is perfect. Is it perfect, no.. and it never will be, but I've been dealing with that crappy system that you want put back into the mod since ArmA 1, so no thank you.
  2. Everything he just said is absolutely true. If you like squad based gameplay or if you just like to solo everything in DayZ you need to give BMRF a try. In my opinion BMRF has the maturest DayZ/Wasteland community out there. =SP= 4 lyfe.
  3. paradox87

    Can I do anything about this...?

    Like Rossums said, if you play in public hive servers you're going to see more hackers than you probably would in a private hive. Most private hives, if you can prove you were killed because of a hacker, will revert your character back giving you all of your gear back. Depending on where you're from (if you live in the EU) you could check out the UK Balota Buddies server, or another good private hive I can definitely recommend if you're in the U.S. is the BMRF servers. They have great admins, a great community, as well as other servers hosting more missions like Wasteland and Warfare.
  4. paradox87

    Found a Chopper Crash Site...No loot?

    My guess is it was just recently looted, best time to find crash sites is just after a server restart. Btw, Roll Tide buddy. xD
  5. paradox87

    Arma 2 Free FPS

    Unfortunately I don't think buying the game is going to give you a boost in performance with that processor.
  6. paradox87

    If Dayz & warz had a baby :o

    Ahhh, I remember playing this back in the day.
  7. paradox87

    no updates?

  8. paradox87

    Bai Heli Pilot

  9. Reaven mentioned BMRF #2, my squad plays on BMRF #3, and a few other squads play on there aswell.
  10. paradox87

    [Pain] Recruiting Active/Mature Players

    Wow.. Are you okay bro? That's an unmerited response if I've ever seen one.
  11. paradox87

    [Pain] Recruiting Active/Mature Players

    Name: Nelson In-game: paradox Age: 24 Country: U.S. - Alabama (Central Standard Time) What time are you mostly on? I'm usually on between 4PM CST to 12:00am-2:00am CST Why are you searching for a group/clan: I like to play with non-reckless players who have a military like mindset when a situation arises. Skype: paradoxness Experience: I've played Arma 2 since the day it was released and I've played DayZ since mid-Mayish. I know the map (Chernarus) well and I have experience flying a helicopter.
  12. First off I'd like to say that I'm 24, so you aren't going to be playing with some COD kiddie who just picked up this game yesterday, I've been playing Arma 2 since release(been playing the mod since mid-May). My old group has recently stopped playing as much as they use to and I'm wanting to team up with some people who know what they're doing. My general play style on this game is to shoot anyone north (or west) of the coast on site as I've been burned too many times trying to give people chances. I don't like playing with reckless people, I like playing with mature people who can have fun but can also become serious when a situation presents itself. I'm geared to the teeth on the public hive, but would much prefer to play on a private hive due to hackers, either is perfectly fine with me though. If you're interested hit me up on skype (paradoxness) or steam (dreamlessmind). Edit: Forgot to mention I live in the U.S. (Central Standard Time), if it matters xD.
  13. paradox87

    Small Day Z Group

    Age: 24 Time Zone: Central Standard Time Since Mid-May paradoxness You may want to look at the thread I made just bellow yours though to make sure I'm the type of player you want to play with. I know some people are anti-bandit and that's understandable.
  14. paradox87

    M107 or AS50?

    AS50 by far.
  15. paradox87

    DayZ Elite - Challenge Yourself.

    Sent in my app. xD
  16. My name is paradox, I'm 24, from the U.S. (Central time) I'm an experienced player in terms of the mod and the vanilla game, I've been playing ARMA since the first day it came out. I usually play with a group of 3-4 guys but they just aren't as active as I'd like to be. I would like to be in a group of guys who are chill, can joke around, but when trouble presents itself can become serious, use communication, strategy, tactics, and doesn't panic. I don't like playing with or being around reckless players. I've been burned a lot trying to trust people in this game, so my usual play style is to usually shoot anyone north of the coastal cities on site. I usually use TeamSpeak 3, but am willing to use skype, ventrilo, or mumble also. Would prefer to play with mature people who are at least 16+. I'm fully geared so I don't need any supplies, if you're interested hit me up on skype or steam, my skype is paradoxness and my steam is dreamlessmind.
  17. paradox87

    Was it a hacker?

    If it sounded like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o6XUM5I8Q4 then it was indeed a hacker.
  18. You probably got banned by a server admin after someone reported you having a banned weapon on you after they killed you or something.
  19. Breaking point for me and my group had to do with helicopters also. We had our own server through HFB, needless to say, the day they put helicopters back in we were pretty excited, fixed it up, flew it back to our camp which had previously never been touched or found by another group. Next day we get on, no helicopter in sight, and there is a hacked in SUV sitting close to where we had it parked. Hackers are the downfall to this mod, and I know they are the #1 priority right now, but it's still disheartening to know we spent the better part of 2-5 hours getting that thing repaired just to have it stolen by some hapless moron using a battleye bypasser. I think we're gonna take a break for a while, maybe until the standalone comes out.
  20. paradox87

    US 1040 Colony Idea?

    Sounds awesome dude, definitely interested in helping out. I'm geared to the teeth right now and have nothing else to do.
  21. Where are you looking to do this trade at? What city/location? PM me if you like.
  22. All decent men detest weapons? Pshhh.. I guess all decent men like getting robbed too.
  23. You'd think if they were gonna hack in vehicles and fly them around throughout the day they would be smart enough to disable nameplates.. what a pack of morons. Ban away.
  24. luke ( aba17a563795465c9f4463df9afe9da4 - #49 private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\MyScripts\ammo.sqf"; 31499014 = id