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Everything posted by Madgamer13

  1. Maybe Dayz could take some inspiration from coop based games, like Domi. Set up some optional objectives on the map that can give special loot or vehicle spawns for an area, increase or decrease zed spawn rates (Failed objective in Cherno doubles zed spawn and aggressiveness, for example?) Lets not forget about the staple of all survival horror type games: The oppressive military. A military AI force on the map tha tries to secure areas depending on survivor activity in that area? You could even go to lengths where areas that suffer alot of player deaths by high grade military hardware will be invaded by AI military to retrieve their weaponry. That is assuming that any military survives the inevidable zed apocolypse =o
  2. Dayz is not a massive deathmatch? Stop the presses, I have been fooled! The ultimate endgame for any ARMA 2 modification, no matter how large or small, is PvP. Play the cops and robbers RPG mod Chernarus Life and you'll see exactly what I mean. As of the moment, Zeds are a threat to those who herpiderpi their sneaking in cities and decide to open up their beans inside of city limits. Everyone who has made this fatal mistake has met the terrifying end of a thousand fired sniper rifles, held by the million sweaty hands of Beanbandits everywhere. Even now, can you not feel their breath on the back of your neck, wheezing about their kill/death ratio and demanding your beans? I surely do.