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Everything posted by rallye

  1. I think the only true way to discourage KOS through cooperation is to limit what everyone can do. If everyone cant fix a car, be a pilot, treat wounds, grow food, etc people become valuable. People are valuable for their skills, and through their skills we will find cooperation when everyone is a jack of all trades and a master of all, there is no reason to cooperate. I'd like to add this is perfectly possible without adding a class system. With a far more limited inventory, the choice of having to keep a medical kit to treat wounds with or a toolbox, or more ammo, etc would go a long way to forcing people to work together.
  2. rallye

    Vanilla DayZ

    The updates could have been far greater and more numerous if everyone wasn't doing their own thing.
  3. rallye

    Vanilla DayZ

    When the mod was opened up the community, how did you people not see this happening? In hindsight it was the worst possible move the community and Rocket made. Getting community coders in to help get updates out faster was a great idea. Allowing private hives and the eventual complete modding of the game bad move.
  4. Oh cry more. You just spawned in played for all of 5 minutes and got sniped. Move on with your life. It's pointless to cry about it. You didn't have anything you couldn't find in another 5 minutes in another spawn point.
  5. rallye

    Our mentality

    There is no benefit at all to working together. I can fix a car myself, I can fix a heli myself. I don't need you. You are a burden. You are a 2nd moving shadow for others to spot. You might try to take the gun I want. You might give away our position. You might have something I want. You might turn around and kill me later if I don't kill you now. Until there is validity in seeking out other players for something aside from their gear, the great majority of players will kill on sight.
  6. rallye

    Virtual monitors. Frustrated and slightly desperate.

    You are doing it wrong then. Just use VMWare. That should allow you to do what you want to do.
  7. All night all the time if I could. It's the only thing that takes this game away from it's FPS with Zombie NPC annoyances that it has evolved into. The modded versions have added to this even more, by making the game so PVP focused. If there aren't serious benefits in the standalone that curb KOS, I don't think DayZ will live long.
  8. rallye

    Exploading Dogs??

    Closed minded, because I would value the life of my dog, and dislike whomever did not?
  9. rallye

    Exploading Dogs??

    You are a sick person. No beans for you, ever.
  10. If they're smart they are hunting as much as possible before inclement weather season hits. Canned food that is preserved and safe from most bacteria and incests should be food of last resort.
  11. rallye

    4, 6, or 8 Core Processor

    All these posts. So many already. I have one thing to say. You lost me when you said AMD. I just cannot rationalize purchasing them or suggesting them for purchase. I'd like to, but I can't.
  12. rallye

    More Realism(Stamina, Breath)

    While we're at it, let's have total gear weight affect movement speed and stamina and breath. Let's make it so your shoe can come untied while you are running from the horde and you can trip on it. When it storms out if you are running in a field with a gun on your back or in your hands we can have a chance to get struck by lightning.
  13. OP I love your avatar, I love your sig, but for some reason I hate this thread. I don't know why and I don't think it's your fault. I just really hate this thread.
  14. rallye

    Internet Privacy and You

    The first thing people need to stop doing is using Google. Stop it. Just stop it right now and start using https://www.ixquick.com/eng/
  15. rallye

    UK1 - Trixie Spawning Banned Items

    You can report them via the Community Ban list. Personally I have less and less faith in that everyday, but it's worth a shot.
  16. My thoughts, remove please. Unless the gfx glitch can be fixed barbed wire does more harm than good.
  17. rallye

    New to the DayZ

    There is only one thing you need to do as a new player to DayZ ...Prepare your anus. It's going to get real sore. :D
  18. rallye

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    I would play more...
  19. So go to the list and look up your GUID. "Help comes to those who help themselves."
  20. I think most of you are going about this the wrong. You should be assuming a table in front of you with all the guns and ammo for each. Which is the best? Not BLA ammo rare, or gun is rare. Pick the best absolute best.
  21. Stock pile satchel charges until launch day. Then goto the NWAF ATC. Litter the building with them. Invite everyone you know to attend the moment. At midnight. Pull the trigger
  22. rallye

    Getting the Game Tomorrow

    Prepare your anus. Not being a dick in anyway, but get ready to be violated.
  23. I do all the work for you and you thank that guy. Nice. You're welcome.....
  24. Why is the search button so hard? Search for the sever here. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1 See post http://dayzmod.com/f...__hl__+us +2979 Authored by this guy http://dayzmod.com/f...-deathjester76/ In his sig it says Server Admin of US 2979 Why don't you try going and talking to him instead?
  25. rallye

    How do you make friends?

    Stitch together the pieces of the corpses I leave behind and name them. Otherwise it gets pretty lonely in Chernarus.