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Everything posted by rallye

  1. I have read every post in this thread, don't get upset because I disagree with you. Especially now that you are contradicting yourself. Was it locked or was it Wait for Host? If one person is on the server live streaming, how could a friend be moving the camp? So now it wasn't denying everyone? The admin thought "Oh man let me go live stream on a different server, and have Freddy move my camp!" Your assumptions of what happened does not fall into line with the simpler and more likely explanation of hosting/server issues that are commonplace in this mod. Just a few days ago we had a bus, several tents and quad. Server resets and we have Nothing.
  2. You can provide evidence, but it is up to others to decide if what you think you have observed actually happened the way you envision it. The server not actually being locked Admin live streaming himself on the beach And a camp not respawning being commonplace (seriously can this get fixed?) All shoot holes in your case. You felt you did the right thing in reporting, and you did. However that does not automatically imply guilt and I am inclined to believe a shitty host was the culprit and the timing of situation coincidental. Sucks for the Admin because he has a shitty host, and sucks for you because the loot was phat. C'est la vie in Day Z
  3. rallye

    Your funniest death?

    01:00 AM, liter bottle of vodka near gone..... Met up with friends. Awesome friend is awesome and hands me a DMR and a FN FAL with NV scope. BROFIST! We go to find a night server and join. I promptly hit ESC, RESPAWN. Moral of the story, friends shouldn't let friends play dayz plowed out of their mind.
  4. rallye

    spawning with weapons

    Come to the states and visit the south and mid west. Your experience with civilians owning guns will change quickly. My personal feelings as an experienced player is that, I don't need to start off with a gun. I know exactly where to go to find them, and how to keep myself safe until I find one. As a new player my friend had far worse growing pains than I, and begged for a weapon.
  5. rallye

    spawning with weapons

    Yet, nearly every farmer's barn has some kind of gun in it. Man, if all those farmers had formed a farmer army maybe Chernarus could have been saved.
  6. rallye


    Helicopters. I must build one.
  7. rallye

    Own up.

    Of course! Whenever I die, I go to the Balota tents, and then the airfield. I close the doors and wait for someone to bring me beans to trade. I give them bullets to the face and they give me precious beans.
  8. Hey guys, I am trying to first run my server, and had no issues getting it running. At least until I tried to locate it in the ARMA II server browser. For the first run I named it TESTSERVER, and I did see one person join it, but when I look myself I cannot for the life of me find it, nor direct connect to it. :huh:
  9. rallye

    Server Not Showing in list

    So I left it running this morning, take my dog to the vet and I come back to this. 10:56:41 Dedicated host created. 10:56:41 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.126) 10:56:41 Host identity created. 11:12:45 EVANDRO uses modified data file 11:12:45 Player EVANDRO connecting. 11:12:45 Player EVANDRO connected (id=XXXXXX). 11:12:45 BattlEye Server: Player #0 EVANDRO (X.X.X.X:X) connected 11:12:46 BattlEye Server: Player #0 EVANDRO - GUID: XXXXXXX(unverified) 11:12:46 Player EVANDRO disconnected. 11:12:46 BattlEye Server: Player #0 EVANDRO (XXXXXX) has been kicked by BattlEye: Invalid GUID 12:08:39 Hermanas uses modified data file 12:08:39 Player Hermanas connecting. 12:08:40 Player Hermanas connected (id=XXXX). 12:08:40 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Hermanas (X.X.X.X:X) connected 12:08:40 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Hermanas - GUID: XXXXXXXX(unverified) 12:08:40 Player Hermanas disconnected. 12:08:40 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Hermanas (XXXXXXX) has been kicked by BattlEye: Invalid GUID So these two were able to see my server, yet I cannot find it in SixLauncher or the ARMA II browser....or direct connect using the ARMA II browser. X used as placeholders for GUID, ID, and IP
  10. rallye

    Server Not Showing in list

    It's very strange because I normally run a Crysis Wars server from this box without issue. I am quite confused.
  11. rallye

    Server Not Showing in list

    Yes it does, The title bar shows, ArmA 2 OA Console version 1.6 : port 2302 - SOckets
  12. rallye

    Server Not Showing in list

    I tried the six launcher and still no luck. @HowIChrgeLazer I am certain of the IP and port. I also have that line verbatim in my cfg file. From my BAT "-mod=EXPANSION\beta;EXPANSION\beta\Expansion;EXPANSION;ca;@dayz;@hive" "-ip=" "-port=2302" I added the quotes as I was getting a port error. This solution was found on these boards.
  13. rallye

    Server Not Showing in list

    Thanks for the reply, I have opened the ports, and it is not spamming the console. The last line is 21:33:06 Host identity created. Which tells me it is waiting for someone to connect. I did see early today, Player XXX has joined Battleye GUID XXXXX etc but I like you still cannot find the server.
  14. rallye

    Server Not Showing in list

    Oh sure thing, port 2302
  15. rallye

    Helicopter Crash Site Map

    @Those being critical. How about not being a dick and instead saying thanks. Sometimes the neckbeards here are worse than the wow boards ever were.