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About Gerbler

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Gerbler

    Spawn Fix

    Mr. FunkyHermitCrab, I was not even aware that there was a counter for "likes", I was merely expressing my opinion. I believe the post I made was phenomenal, so I pressed the like button. I apologize for any inconvienence this may have caused you, good sir. I have now disliked my post and the atrocity that was caused here will not live on any longer.
  2. Gerbler

    Spawn Fix

    You see, yesterday for the 37th time I was killed by someone who unexpectedly spawned in the building myself and friends had already cleared. This gentleman spawned in a corner of an apartment, and proceeded to disappear, and reappear in an opposite corner and do a mag dump in my face with his makarov. He then looted my M24 w/180 rounds, G17, map, gps, etc and disconnected from the server before my friends could take him out. This has led me to an idea that will help balance the spawning system. When someone spawns, they will spawn with the ability to take damage, but instead of the usual gear they will spawn with a custom "Bell Suit", which will carry a church bell on the back that doesn't stop ringing. As opposed to the weapon they logged out holding, they will have a lit road flare in each hand that they can't extenguish. Lastly, they will have a screen sized window that displays the message "You must be in the forest and close to a tree to spawn". I believe this will hamper efforts to both server hop, and also will benefit tactical gameplay as players will be discouraged from logging out in populated buildings. Thank you, have a nice evening.
  3. Gerbler

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    Perhaps we should reclassify this as a barbed wire simulator because that's all I've found today are barbed off loot spots I can't access.