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Everything posted by malice42

  1. Dallas 3 needs a restart for this reason.
  2. Dallas 3 isn't communicating well with the external server, it needs a restart for spawns, etc.
  3. Anyone have a favorite server based out of the US? Specifically for frequency of restarts (to keep it running smoothly), and absence of frequest lagspikes/desynchs? Looking for a place for my posse to live out of. Thanks all.
  4. Anyone put up a tent on any of these servers in the past two days, and have it work well for them?
  5. malice42

    US-1 Tent Didn't Save?

    Same issue here. The problem seems to persist even in the event of the tent and characters being fully "Saved" at the time of disconnect. Can someone explain this issue a little better, if there is a known fix?