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Everything posted by malice42

  1. malice42

    Today i met the stupidest squad

    DayZ is no longer a zombie apocalypse sim when groups of people running with m107's in the mountains are just firing down on people in shit all nowhere for teh lulz.
  2. malice42

    Me and my lover

    BACK IN THE OLD DAYS.... Military grade snipers were rare.
  3. If you can't see why those statements are embarrassing beyond belief, I suppose you would have to ask me what kind of question that was. From your mothers basement, where you have yet to learn the meaning of a rhetorical question.
  4. "Shut up momma. I am not in the mood right now momma. I'm so scared." "That seemed really fishy right there, that seemed really fishy." Sorry man, they are definitely hackers and deserved to be banned, but why would you put this video online?
  5. malice42

    Complete desynch

    After logging into a server, I see items littering the ground and plenty of zombies for about three or so minutes. Then all of the items (and possibly other players?) vanish, and the zombies become unresponsive to me. This is running the most recent patch via Six Updater. On the previous DayZ patch, 1.7.2 standard, I was able to play but would frequently encounter desynchs with other players and terrible lag on the zombies. Is there any fix to this issue? Thank you.
  6. malice42

    Complete desynch

    Still happening.
  7. malice42

    Complete desynch

  8. When I read the thread title, I was all "Meh." Then I read your excellent explanation, and I feel as if this proposal is perfectly sound and would do a great deal to improve the dynamic of risk vs. reward that some players exploit. A+ Idea
  9. Rocket, I do not propose anything original. The idea, in every way, was your own. In a previous interview you stated the desire to implement a series of skills that would allow characters to perform actions better as they "practiced", effectively rewarding those that were able to survive for extended periods. I think the time is right, with all of the base features feeling "good"... to add in the next game changer. Thank you, Cassian
  10. Lol... that is just some dude trying to connect without mod files active.
  11. Whelp.... my backpack vanished. Rolling back now, thank you. I guess my nice Coyote Backpack with my friggin M4A1 SD is gone though :/ - Fresh tears!
  12. There are occassions when connecting to a server that I receive this error, and it boots me. Other times it runs completely ok. Why is this happening? I am running no expansions/addons other than beta and @dayz. My readout when I load up is: "Arma 2 beta Expansion @Dayz" I am obviously not hacking, nor have I ever. Does anyone ever get this error readout, and if so, do they know the cause of it? Thank you, Cassian This just hit me on 3 connects in a row. Fourth it worked fine.
  13. Some server with crosshair enabled, lol.
  14. malice42

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Average zombies killed per character, and median zombies killed per character.
  15. malice42

    DayZ Machinima (cinematic, ish)

    How did you make this?
  16. Is Rocket now working full time on DayZ? I know it was rumored on the PCGamer article, but does anyone have a source with real confirmation?
  17. malice42

    Rocket working full-time?

    This. I am asking for confirmation in the affirmative or negative.
  18. malice42

    Rocket working full-time?

    Anyone hear anything more than rumors on this?
  19. malice42

    Stop Adding Things and Fix The Game

    This is an Alpha of a mod' date=' not an Alpha of a game. As such, anything that requires the change to the engine is out of the scope of the project unless, as you identified, a "feature" can be identified to get around the issue. I could simply stop development until the engine is changed, but that would be rather arrogant of me - ArmA2 is a military shooter, it was designed as such with specific requirements in mind. It was not designed for suvival / zombie shooting. Changes to accommodate DayZ are made as they are for other mods such as ACE and ACRE but like them it is also limited in its scope. [/quote'] Will you be working full time on the mod, as the "PCGamer" article reported, Rocket? If so, the scope of what you could possibly do within a limited amount of time would certainly be greater than if you still had obligations to Arma 3.
  20. Bashur's "team" gets their own private server, blatantly listing it as such? How come some rules apply to everyone but them? They are also on record as threatening to ban people for killing them as they stream.
  21. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8530 Even more blatant this time.
  22. malice42

    Filming Server - Crew Only

    Take a look at the server list yourself, its there plain as day. I can also point out the recordings where they are discussing banning people that kill them while watching their stream (directly against what Rocket said is allowed.)
  23. Yeah, I wonder why this is allowed.
  24. Bump, I am literally unable to play the game currently. There is nothing I can do to connect to any server, under any circumstance.