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Everything posted by WhiteTigerShiro

  1. WhiteTigerShiro

    make this game really hardcore

    I guess if you're being serious, you're being serious, but making people pay for lives is the kind of terrible idea that gives "freemium" games a bad rap. Even something like "One spawn per day" would be too much, since it would provoke people (specifically, griefers) to camp the beaches just so they can lawl about all the people they shut down for the day by taking away their "one spawn".
  2. WhiteTigerShiro

    Infected with Matrix Like Agility

    Long story short: Suggesting that the devs fix the zombie AI is preaching to the choir. It's just a lot easier and faster said than done.
  3. WhiteTigerShiro

    Med Kits or First Aid Kits!

    So wait, this seems a little inconsistent. One minute you make it sound like the kit has endless med supplies; with talk of how this is "the alternative" to using Morphine and etc, and how the person wearing it can't use it; but then you're talking about how it has inventory slots for medical supplies? I dunno, maybe it's just the all-nighter playing tricks with my head, but I seem to be getting mixed messages hear. As for the person wearing it not being able to use it... what's to stop your group from having someone else carry a couple supplies to use on him? And on that matter, if the bag has room for med supplies, what's to stop a teammate from reaching into the bag to grab that morphine pen to use on the medic's broken leg?
  4. WhiteTigerShiro

    Weight Tiers

    Bad idea, simply because of balance issues. As-is I can scavenge food a lot faster than I can eat it, to the point where it doesn't take long before I'm just leaving it behind; and I'm just an average player at best. So it'd be too obvious that the easy pick is the skinny guy, since having boosted run speed with be GREAT for evading zeds and getting from town to town a bit faster; and all at the low low cost of having to lot a couple more of those food items that I would have left behind anyway. Broken idea needs more balance, and kinda feels needless, anyway.
  5. WhiteTigerShiro


    I'm guessing this is one of those "limitations of the base game" problems.
  6. WhiteTigerShiro

    Starting Weapon

  7. WhiteTigerShiro

    Starting Weapon

    Please learn to use the search feature. This topic has been done dozens of times already. Pick a topic and just continue the conversation.
  8. WhiteTigerShiro

    Sight and Sound Meter

    Eh... I wouldn't really miss 'em. Once you get used to how close you can get to a zed while prone/crouching, you don't even really reference them.
  9. WhiteTigerShiro

    Aborting players

    Look, I'm sorry for just blowing up like, but honestly, it's 101 for posting on forums. Search them before posting an idea. This topic gets made probably a dozen times PER DAY; and that's JUST people specifically saying a log-out timer, not even talking about people making other random "log out to avoid death" suggestions. It's easily THE most over-suggested thing. So again, I'm sorry if I offended you, but you gotta learn proper etiquette somehow. Forums have a search feature for a reason; people get bothered by multiple topics all talking about the exact same thing (including the developers).
  10. WhiteTigerShiro

    Introducing the "Zscientist"

  11. WhiteTigerShiro

    What DayZ Can Learn From Literature

    *Raises hand and waves it around frantically* Ooo! Ooo! Pick me! Pick me! Is it... paragraphs?
  12. WhiteTigerShiro

    Suggestion: Weapon perks

  13. WhiteTigerShiro

    Introducing the "Zscientist"

    Not against a stronger Zed type. Maybe it could be like the Brutes in Dead Island, where they have a distinct growl so you know they're there, and they move a little slower (not walking slow, but out-runnable slow), hit a bit harder, and are a drain on ammo to take down. Maybe they'd have a chance to spawn only in high-demand areas? Even then it'd be fairly rare, but at least when you take them down it's in a spot that's more likely to have good loot.
  14. WhiteTigerShiro

    Infected with Matrix Like Agility

    It IS remotely possible. I've done it a hundred times. With the new LOS mechanic it's even much easier than before. I think you are just being a pussy about it' date=' but that's just my own opinion. [/quote'] Nice. "I think you're a loser, but that's just my opinion." Gonna win hearts and minds with that one. Seriously, though -- whether you're the master shooters you all claim to be or someone who's tired of trying to draw a bead on a zombie who is juking like a running back, a zombie that tries to avoid being shot makes no sense. Fast, slow, irrelevant -- what we're talking about here is mindless undead things whose only goal is to eat you, so they should just make a beelines for you when they sense you. The zigzagging just doesn't make sense to the zombie motivation. Master my foot. I'm terrible at FPS games; play 'em all the time, still manage to be completely terrible. Don't get me wrong, I have my moments, maybe that's what keeps me going, but I am horrible at lining up shots if my success at TF2, MW, or even Tribes has taught me anything. I still have no problem with turning around while running, lining-up the shot while backpedaling, stopping for a quick second, pulling the trigger, and dropping the zed. If I can do it, anyone with even basic FPS skill should manage. Oh, and "You disagreed with my topic so I'm gonna report you for trolling" will earn just as many hearts and minds as his or my replies. So... yeah.
  15. WhiteTigerShiro

    Aborting players

    Oh... my... GOD!!! Can people PLEASE stop with this suggestion? Honestly, it's to the point of not even mention the search feature and just looking at the first fucking page of the suggestions forum. A LOT OUT TIMER! WE GET IT! SHUT! UP! Everyone knows that people logging out is a problem. ROCKET KNOWS that people logging out like this is a problem. E. Nuff. *Catches breath* Okay... okay... I think I'm fine. Just... seriously. Honestly. READ the damn forums before you post. Search them. Get to know them. Honestly.
  16. WhiteTigerShiro

    Soda can textures and camoflauge

    The easy answer: Because the camo and ghillie were only meant as PvP bonuses. The technical answer: It's probably too hard (or impossible) to program the zombie AI to see you better or worse based on your clothing. So even if it's possible, probably not worth the effort when there are actual issues to fix.
  17. WhiteTigerShiro

    The lone wolf

    Search feature: Use it. http://dayzmod.com/forum/search.php?action=results&sid=e31f1becc1e1b034c52754f0d3542872&sortby=lastpost&order=desc Bam! About 5 topics right there. Edit: Okay, 4 topics, if we don't count your own. Seriously, search feature. All I did was enter "dogs" and specified the Suggestion forum; and I didn't even check the second page of results to see if there were more topics about this.
  18. WhiteTigerShiro

    Soda can textures and camoflauge

    Oh right, didn't notice that. I would say it's fine as-is. You can already get pretty damn close to a zed even while moving (edit: while prone, of course); and while motionless I had a zed walk literally right next to me without aggroing... though that didn't stop me from sweating a few buckets while he slowly shambled by. :x
  19. WhiteTigerShiro

    Ability to shoulder primary weapon?

    So you had two paths you could choose: Step 1: Have an idea about Primary Weapons. Step 2: Do a search on the Suggestions Forum for "Primary Weapon". Step 3: Skim Step 4: Success --- Or --- Step 1: Have an idea about Primary Weapons. Step 2: Post the idea, despite the fact that there was an easy-to-find suggestion already posted and spoken about. Step 3: .
  20. WhiteTigerShiro

    Soda can textures and camoflauge

    I don't think Pepsi or Coke can do anything unless Rocket starts charging for the mod; and I don't think that the cost on the base game counts. That said, trademark laws are so fucked-up, backwards, and just all-around strange, that it's entirely possible they could charge for the mod and they still couldn't sue over it.