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Everything posted by ronson537

  1. ronson537

    Player Revival

    +1 will give you another chance to not lose you're stuff tho the guy with the defiblator might get killed so you need to be able to loot the guy is dead even while he is in that currect conditon
  2. ye they should fix the fact that this game is more of a running simulator then a zombie apocalypse simulator and they should add that you can make safe camps on the map that not requirs redeculsy flat surface becuse all pepole who want a defensive base in irl will build it on a high ground so have a better view and harder to get
  3. ronson537

    3rd person and thermal

    so dont go to servers with 3rd person and stop crying about things like that dont like dont play servers wich have it o.o
  4. ronson537

    Weapon Russianization (WARNING: Big, detailed post)

    Well it seems legit to me Cherarus is an soviet union and it shouldnt have american weapons unless realy realy rare and have more russian weapons
  5. ronson537

    Make bicycles MORE common

    Yeah they should make more bikes becuse when you play with friends if someone find bicycle its kinda use less becuse its only for 1 person or make byciacle rideable by 2 pepole :/
  6. i think its a great idiea and i think you shoud be able to refuil it at gas station etc like you can refill watter at ponds and watter pumps
  7. ronson537

    Final Solution for the Sniper Bandits

    well me and my friends was infilatrating the barracks at night we got inside took some stuff killed zombies suddenly my friend died by gun fire we realize there was a bandit server hopping and he killed ower friend but he dc becuse there was more 2 of us left wich we could easily kill him :/
  8. ronson537

    Fix bags (If something don't fit!)

    ye i got this problem too and its realy annoyying they should fix that :/
  9. ronson537

    More Soviet and modern Russian weapons perhaps?

    He realy got a point Cherarus located in old soviet republic (todays ukraine if im noy wrong) and its realy wierd theres more us/uk weapons then russian one russian weapons should be more common then us/uk weapons becuse i think they rearly ship any to russia
  10. ronson537

    Fruits and Vegetables

    ye it was suggested befroe as farming it would be great and make it less hard to find food and you wont have to run into city's
  11. ronson537

    Bleeding system

    You should add that you wont bleed forever becuse no man keeps bleeding like till he's dead if he doesnt get a bandage you should make it like you can lose about 500-1000 blood while bleeding then it stop's i think there's more pepole that can aggre its wired thay you bleed until you die well it is logical if you get hit by a bullet to the body or the head but you cant get hit that hard onec and die from bleeding Best regards Ron.
  12. ronson537

    Map Nomalsk

    well i dont think this map will do becuse it smaller then cheranrus means more cotact and less loot more sea then land and sincie you cant swim wicout losing evrey thing you got it doesnt worth it :/
  13. ronson537

    Health regeneration

    i think you should be able to recover blood wichout food becuse in real life you're body produce blood after you lose any/some i think we should have same system here maybe over time or slowly regenrate (could make the blood bag less usefull if not balanced) then make blood bags as a boost if you dont have time to waist/wait for it to regenerate when charcter is hydraded and not thirsty you will regenerate faster will be good if it gets to the game :)
  14. ronson537

    Health regeneration

    yes but untill that health regeniration is a good idiea + logical trough IRL becuse you will regenrate blood after loosing any
  15. ronson537

    Health regeneration

    you have bigger chance to find pepole that will kill you to take you're loot
  16. ronson537

    Grace Period

    i suppurt this mode its realy annoying getting spawn killed
  17. ronson537

    Health regeneration

    well i dont see that the fact you have to get friends to renerate health helped someone survive becuse pepole still will murder you to get medical supplys etc and other players wich know you have low healt and need blood will exploit that and try to kill you (big chance they succed)
  18. ronson537

    Health regeneration

    well most players will try to kill you on sight and if you dont have friends playing this game you could find you're self stuck with no blood/supplys and getting bored becuse you die all the time and you cant survive becuse you're healt is low
  19. I think its a great idiea to add more place abble things i think they realy need to add an crafting system like if you chop off enough wood you can build house/hut/wall/Wooden guard towers etc.... and tenets are preety much hard to find i think the should reduce the rarity a little bit becuse im playing for 2 weeks and i have never found an tent a tent camp/city would give a great thing to the game more copperation can stoarge more things and stuff making better defences giving a reason to stay out of the big city ( atleast not hunting pepole there) constarcting an wall with a cealing would give a great defence against snipers and would make it harder to kill you or you're team m8's giving this mod an Close combat a better option then camping in the other side of the map waiting for players to pass and shot them... wont make the camo suits/ghillie suits less usefull i give a +1 for this idiea/concept and realy want to see that ingame :)
  20. ronson537

    Introducing Faction's Suggestion

    well if it wont be balanced well it could be realy bad but i see this as not bad idiea a similar suggestion was on the forum but this one is better :)
  21. ronson537

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    MV-22 isnt too tech and doesnt have any weapons too so it woudnt make the game to hard
  22. ronson537

    Random Zondos

    Well not all weapons kill zombies 1 shot only snipers and heavy Assult rifels winchister shotguns lee... its legit all smgs and normal Assult rifles are 2-3 shots to the body most pistols doesnt 1 shot if zombies will be tougher then normal pepole will be even harder becuse of thier AI it allready hard to shot them becuse they run like crazy make them harder to kill? ><
  23. i think its a grate idiea and if they add like guilds/factions that let you to identify friendly's from the same faction examples: Bandits will have thier own faction wich allows them to interact with own members an identfy other fiction bandits Survivors will have few fictions as well that could be eithir in peace or eatiher in war about 3-4 fictions is good will approve the team work aspect of this game and the pvp aspect as well becuse you can raid other fictions and make stand there tho the not spawning new loot could be a problem i think that when the city is captured it should just reduce the spawn rate of the itmes should add trading routes too with non infected city's wich will allow you to get food watter weapons etc and survive bandit/zombies/other fiction attacks i hope someone will read this :)
  24. What a nice misson go find you're dead family bodys so encorging to play
  25. so i was playing for few week's and i came up with so me suggestions: 1.Pain killer shouldn't look like a box of pain killers or make it so it stack becuse no normal man use a whole box of painkillers in 1 time 2.you drink as much as you need,drink half\corter of a botle 3.tent's an sandbag's should be more accable i mean they should spawn more often 4.money system or npc trading system you can sell useless stuff and buy better gear 5. safe zone's like survivor npc camps that shot zombies on sight and defend you you can find some starter loot there but you cant kill players inside or npc's will shot you, bandits will be shot on sight <----(Not neccary) 6.more cloths wich not too hard to find 7.camo and ghilie suits will make you harder to spot by players+zombies [Fix]Zombies wont make you bleed on 1 hit when you're blood is high [Fix]when you check pulse it should tell you when the man's blood is high,low or medium [Fix]when someone head shot you,you are not sopouse to break you're leg instead [Fix]armed AI shouldnt spawn in milltary base and shot pepole on sight (might been allready suggested\considerd) Thank you for reading i hope some of this will be found usefull :) Good luck and cya in game survivors!