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Everything posted by bond290

  1. He said he was 14 and on the list of rules for that clan you have to be 18
  2. Please fix this dayz staff its impossible to even enjoy playing right now.
  3. bond290

    Punish those Who Don't PvP.

    well i think unicorn rainbow banana grenades would be great for the people with high hunanity. you throw it and out pops a unicorn that will keep shooting bananas and rainbows at you until you kill it which then lowers ur humanity to -10000000 because the unicorn was pregnant i have no idea what i just typed
  4. bond290

    More servers?

    i agree there needs to be some way to actully play..all servers always fulll
  5. this is annoying lol i want to play on the new update :(
  6. yeah i hate getting randomly killed too...like i just DCed because me and my friend were alive for days we had all this stuff my friend spawns and this guy shoots at him and he puts a clip of shotgun into him and i put a clip of full auto ak into him andi hit him with every bullet and the guy kills us both with 3 makorov shots...just stupid
  7. bond290

    Servers down?

  8. bond290

    Choosing spawn points

    that is an amazing idea i hope they do this :D i would love to be able to spawn with my friends but it still is random
  9. bond290

    Introduce yourselves

    hi im michaels on the fourms and ingame i love to group and i am a friendly player i will shoot if attacked though...im a great marksman with sniper rifles and im not a bandit i will group with any friendly so if you see me dont shoot me we can work togather im new to dayz but i understand it (i used to play other zombie servers(ten time not as fun<==makes no sense))
  10. bond290

    DayZ Update 1.4.11

    grrr wanna play so bad...not as a bird though
  11. bond290

    Paramilitary Rescue Group

    love the idea
  12. bond290

    DayZ Update 1.4.8

    how do i do this i have the mod installed but my brother did this could someone teamviewer me and do the update for me? ;D i know thats asking alot but im computer retarded
  13. bond290

    DayZ Update 1.4.6

    just downloaded the mod so excited to play and it doesent work :/ looks great though