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Posts posted by bond290

  1. Sorry but the only way to become banned is if you were hacking. There is not many ways for a non-hacker to be banned. Sorry' date=' but hackers aren't welcome here.

    If you are 100% positive that you weren't hacking talk to them about it, but they will know if you have been hacking or not.



    XD i dont think it matters if he hacked or not...i dought hackers would tell the truth (not that i think he is a hacker...because i dont think he is a hacker i thinkhe is innocent and made an honest mistake)

  2. well i think unicorn rainbow banana grenades would be great for the people with high hunanity. you throw it and out pops a unicorn that will keep shooting bananas and rainbows at you until you kill it which then lowers ur humanity to -10000000 because the unicorn was pregnant

    i have no idea what i just typed

  3. My "card" idea doesn't have to be limited to the coast. I just figured the devs had their reasons for wanting new players spawning there rather than inland.

    that is an amazing idea i hope they do this :D i would love to be able to spawn with my friends but it still is random

  4. hi im michaels on the fourms and ingame i love to group and i am a friendly player i will shoot if attacked though...im a great marksman with sniper rifles and im not a bandit i will group with any friendly so if you see me dont shoot me we can work togather im new to dayz but i understand it (i used to play other zombie servers(ten time not as fun<==makes no sense))
