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About RHS-Jeff

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  1. RHS-Jeff

    Dayz Server Monitor...

    Hello, I run all/most of the Virginia based servers. I have not modified any of the server files short of changing the MOTD and experience setting on them. I have however ran 12 of the 24 server we run in normal timezone (UTC -5) and ran the other in a different timezone (UTC +4) I have not modified any of the server files to do this, but rather just changed the system clock setting on the server. Maybe I am wrong in doing this, but I work 8am - 5pm and run the business that supports and pays for the servers in the evenings when I get home and a lot on the weekends. So, I can never really play in my servers daytime settings but for maybe an hour a day and some here and there on the weekends or am forced to play in a server across the world which I don't feel I should have to do since I am running and paying for them. Am I doing something wrong? Last thing I want to do is make more work for you! Is there some type of guidelines we should be following? I don't want to do anything wrong, but I'm not sure what the rules are or should be to follow.
  2. RHS-Jeff

    Great demand for 3dp:1 Ch:0 servers.

    This would be the Veteran mode setting, we currently are running 8 servers in this setting - DayZ Zombie RPG - Virginia 05 (v1.5.7) - www.rhservices.us [VETERAN][uTC -5] DayZ Zombie RPG - Virginia 06 (v1.5.7) - www.rhservices.us [VETERAN][uTC -5] DayZ Zombie RPG - Virginia 07 (v1.5.7) - www.rhservices.us [VETERAN][uTC -5] DayZ Zombie RPG - Virginia 08 (v1.5.7) - www.rhservices.us [VETERAN][uTC -5] DayZ Zombie RPG - Virginia 18 (v1.5.7) - www.rhservices.us [VETERAN][uTC +4] DayZ Zombie RPG - Virginia 19 (v1.5.7) - www.rhservices.us [VETERAN][uTC +4] DayZ Zombie RPG - Virginia 20 (v1.5.7) - www.rhservices.us [VETERAN][uTC +4] DayZ Zombie RPG - Virginia 21 (v1.5.7) - www.rhservices.us [VETERAN][uTC +4] 4 are running in normal server timezone (UTC -5) the other are running reverse (UTC +4)
  3. RHS-Jeff

    Let's make a list of reverse-time servers and locations

    And word here from the dev / team? I'm about to put up 12 more servers and would like to run 1/2 of my servers on a separate timezone?
  4. RHS-Jeff

    Can we Filter Servers for only Dayz Mods?

    There is a filter button inside of the in-game browser, just hit there and filter for the name "dayz"
  5. RHS-Jeff

    Let's make a list of reverse-time servers and locations

    Is this allowed? Can someone from the mod / dev team reply? We run the Virginia based servers, and just as others have mentioned, when you work during the day, the only time I ever get to play during the day is either on servers physically located in another time zone, or on the weekends. This sucks cause then our ping is total crap, not that it matters a whole bunch as far as ping goes, but I would at least like to be able to play on the servers I host :) I'm sure i'll get bashed for it, but I do like to play at night as well as during the day, but I would at least like an option here if possible.
  6. RHS-Jeff

    Server timed messages?

    I saw that, and set the MOTD do display what I want, but I need something to either repeat the MOTD, or run a custom command/server message every X amount of time. I looked through it again to double check I didn't miss something, but can't seem to find it. Anyone?
  7. A lot of the stability of the servers isn't coming from the people who run/own them, with the patch early this week there has been a lot of issues with it. However, they ran some updates last night which will hopefully fix these issues.
  8. I was playing on a server the other day and noticed that it had some sort of timed message that displayed every once in a while, something like Join our teamspeak @ xxxxx or goto our website @ xxxx Anyone know how to do this?
  9. RHS-Jeff

    Virginia 9 is a tent eater

    All of the servers have been updated to 1.5.7 maybe that's why, only a guess
  10. RHS-Jeff

    Maryland / Virginia Based Server

    Thanks guys, got the servers loaded, dev team is working on getting the rest done! I'll post once they're done!
  11. Hello everyone, i'm new to the community and mod here, and I would like to payback the enjoyment I have had so far with this mod. My brother and I run a Co-Location / Dedicated Server / VPS hosting company based out of the Maryland / Northern Virginia area. Basically our physical location is in Baltimore, Maryland however we backhaul most of our traffic/transit from the well know Equinix DC2 in Ashburn, Virginia. I have quite a few servers just sitting around that we would like to get setup and running to help the influx of players that their seems to be. We have probably 10x or so of these servers sitting in a rack now doing nothing at all - CPU: Dual Intel Xeon L5420 (2.50 GHZ x 8) MEMORY: 24GB ECC DDR2 HARD DRIVE: 250GB SATA We also have some higher end machines as well, but wanted to use this as a baseline to see how things work out to start. I emailed dayzdevteam@gmail.com to get things started but had a few questions How many servers could we expect to run on a box like this? I know it's a bit older, but I would think at least 2 per this config maybe? Would it be better to run 2k3 or 2k8 server? Web edition OK to save license costs? I'll be down at the data center shortly to get these boxes loaded up and ready, can anyone point me to someone I can contact to get the ball rolling so I can try and get these up and running tonight?