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Everything posted by nicebasi

  1. nicebasi

    Afraid to die - are you?

    Im Playing Ofp/Arma the last 10 Years... And so on i killed Probably 654398 People.(i dont need that in Dayz) Dayz is a Survival Simulator .. and thats the way i Play it. Day 35..Still looking for Beartraps... but nothing.
  2. nicebasi

    DE 71 Best Server Ever

    Sad But True... Its like Dayz works ...Better hide behind Bushes
  3. ^^Lol Look my Sig btw...
  4. nicebasi

    Afraid to die - are you?

    Yes i hope Rocket will bring on some kind of Radio! I really like That Idea S3V3N. Its not really that i wanne meet up with ppl,but if thers a way to talk to others over Ingame Mic over a Radio,that would be awesome. Like: "Hey anyone out ther?" "Yes i can hear you" "Can somebody help me out with some Antibiotics?" Or "Dont go to Close Berezino..5min.ago ther was a Huge Firefight going on...Be Carefull there"
  5. nicebasi

    New skins - A question

    The Bandit Head Scarf is only for,that you cant see after a Headshoot... thers no Bandit Brain inside!
  6. nicebasi

    Am I a bad person ?

    Ye thats the cycle of life in Dayz :lol:
  7. nicebasi

    How big is a square on the map?

    Yes 100x100 in highest zoom. and 140 Diagonale
  8. nicebasi

    Am I a bad person ?

    Ye driving around with a Engine and Z´s on youre six ,is like "Hey look at Me" Here i am Please shoot me B) So yea he probably did the Misstake. Its a tough world out there...gl with his gear
  9. Personal i never had a bugged Tent. If the Tent is empty or Complete Disapeared wait for next Serverrestart.it will come back with a Restart. And dont try to place a Tent too close to a Tree or inside a Tree,you can build it there sometimes but you cant use/accsess it then.
  10. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Tent
  11. Im not Scared about Kids like you...You know why? Because i think youre something between 10 or 12 years old! And that means i played Ofp/Arma for youre hole lifeperiod B) If you play it normal without Cheats... You dont want me as youre enemy :P So get the Fuck out of here Kid.
  12. nicebasi

    Afraid to die - are you?

    Yep im at Day 33 now i think,and solo Survive atm. All Gear i have is in my Coyote! if i die its gone. Everytime i log in,its scares the crap out of me :D I look 10 Times in any Direction before i move. But you know what! I like it. I know it ....The Grim Reaper is watching me!
  13. nicebasi

    Build your own fort or hous

    Its already inside the Arma Engine! Its all about Time and Rockets creativity How and what he will implement ;)
  14. Thers always a way! Im at Day 33 now i think (since i lost my Arma X Char) could be +12 more Days B) Stay away from Regular high Populatet Noobservers!
  15. I think if you Alt F4!on Relog you will stay on Ground but not sure.
  16. nicebasi

    Can Someone Explain WTF Happened???????

    Lol @ Liam ........Unlucky :D
  17. nicebasi

    dayz skins

    No You want get banned! Its Legit. But most Server dont alow Custom Face idk why.
  18. nicebasi

    She´s gone

    Day 30 Logged in after new Patch,all fine. A Quick lookaround my Position,ok im fine lets check Gear i need to eat. Open my Coyote,took a can of Beans and a Soda....and then i Realised it quickly ....Omg 9 Slots free?!? She´s gone..... Noooo..She is gone! I closed my Backpack...Opend it again... Nothing. I Mean you can take everything from Me! But you cant take a Lone Survivors SVD....I closed my Backpack...Opend it again... Ammo-Morphin-Painkillers-Steaks-Water ..... No She´s gone. Sitting now on my Campfire throwing the extant Ammo one by one in the Fire,Rain,Coldness.... i Dont care. She´s gone Thinkn about a Cocktail of Painkillers and Morphin.... Thinkn about a last travel to Green Mountain.... Thinkn about .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsriPVhTS-4
  19. nicebasi

    Sounds Issues - Who's got 'em?

    Im using a Simple Soundblaster X Fi, 90% over Speaker in 5.1 Never Had any issues in Arma and or Dayz! The Only Thing i can tell is the Effect Setting in the Sound Options.Max it and you can hear much further then normal. But be careful,if someone is shooting right next to you with a Sniper ..... it scares the shit out of you :P
  20. nicebasi

    Remove shock

    Dont log out in a Zombie Spawn Zone? Youre Whining about a selfmade Problem....
  21. nicebasi

    sniping montage, about 20 murders 1080P FULLSCREEN!

    Whats the Point of This Vid? Showing Other youre Smal Wiener?
  22. nicebasi

    dayz anniversary

    Anniversary Edition ist "atm" the Best you can get!! All available Addons for Arma are Included! Will run 100% But 51 Euro is way to expansive for this Edition. For Dayz at the Moment! you need only Arma 2 + Operation Arrowhead. The installation is very simple,you need only a last patched Game(patch will selfinstall),Arma 2 Beta Patch (have selfinstall) and the Mod itself (just copy Files into a Folder) Or the Simple Way using SixLauncher!
  23. nicebasi

    Passed out forever?

    Hmm Strange .... Maybe someone try to Epi you!!