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Everything posted by Batcountry

  1. Hey guys, This has started to happen consistently to me in one whitelisted server I like to play in - UK Rock Paper Zombie, IP It doesn't happen on any other servers though. When I die the symptoms are exactly the same at the OP - I have to Alt+F4 in order to quit, and I get the error each time I try to rejoin. Firstly on death I was getting message #100, then the admins changed something and I got message #91. They then tried something else and I now see message #90. They have no more suggestions but I'm keen to get it fixed as I have friends who play on the server. Any ideas?
  2. Batcountry

    Performance on MacBook Pro retina

    Lulz at everyone peddling the old "macs can't play games" bullshit argument. Dude - if you're installing bootcamp then you've got a beast of a gaming machine right there. I have a 2011 MBP, 2.3ghz quad core i7 with 16gb ram, so similar to yours. I've never, ever had any issue running games at high settings, including things like Crysis 2. That said, the Arma 2 engine is a pig. I'm running at native res (something you unfortunately have to do to avoid blurriness), so have most of my setting cranked down fairly low. It still looks good and plays super slick. In short, don't listen to these idiot PC fanboys here who've probably never even ever used a mac - DayZ will run absolutely fine under bootcamp on your new machine. Finding enough free keys to map all the commands to, well, that's a different story!
  3. Played the new patch for a good 5 hours last night with two survivors I've been teamed up with for a while. Very positive experience so far. The increased zombie awareness was a shock to start with, but I think I prefer it now that I've had a chance to get used to it. No more charging up to dear hides only to crouch at the last minute, no more weaving in between zombies at crash sites. Now, if we want to check out that hide over there, we've got to plan it. We've got to weigh up the ammo we'll need to use against the possibility of finding something good. We're really, really careful with those SD rounds. It's changed the way we play, and made it much more tense. Please keep it as it is. As for negatives, the only things I've seen so far are: - loss of ghille - some weird graphical artefacting, where I sometimes get giant polygons pulling all the way back to the horizon. Seems to happen most often when I'm looking down a scope. - the whole zombies can attack whilst running thing is perhaps a little unfair when coupled with their new supervision. Maybe keep the vision but make them stop to attack, like before? On the whole, it's a positive update. Really positive.