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About KillerBalls

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. KillerBalls

    [CoastGuards] Recruiting

    alrite there, ive been looking for a group to join for awhile now getting bored off running around by myself, so yeah will you have me? im a uk player, my timings for dayz will depend on alsorts but should be able to play on and off in the day. ive got a mic, got teamspeak, just need to download skype. Ive got a few questions for u,like how old are u lads and are you proper strict as in proper milsim with ranks and shit or easy going. cheers.
  2. KillerBalls

    Need Dayz Partner/Partners

    Hi, I am interested in teaming up. from the uk. Got a headset and teamspeak but would have to download skype. been playing the game on and off for a month and im 20. i play the game pretty straight but up for anything, dont sever hop and dont disconnect. thats it, cheers.
  3. Getting bored of running around the wilds getting shot at by every guy I try to make conversation with. Looking for players over 18. Not really into the bandit mentality(yet), but like the sound of organized survivor groups setting up safe havens and going on patrols to do whatever. Don't want to be in a team that use exploits(disconnecting) or that care to much about starting over(thats the best bit). do like to play on veteran servers, only problem is im one off these arma X players, i can only get on 93965 beta.