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About eStecko

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. Change servers, some servers i encountered didnt replenish blood for me and i was not able to pickup raw meat from animals there aswell..
  2. eStecko


    Use the search function to find more stuff about this topic around here. Seriously... its said like in every other hacker complaint thread. ^_^
  3. Plant them in the barracks and wait for someone to go in... churches and firestations in Cherno/Elektro are another great places to... trap with those things. :)
  4. I dont know, abort button was gray like... 3 times from latest DayZ release for me and its working fine pretty much all the time. Unlucky i guess, hope you didnt got a heartattack. ;)
  5. eStecko

    Cant run it all of a sudden

    Try reinstall BattleEye for now, this shoud be easily dont by right clicking ArmA2 OA in steam library. After some google attempts, try update/reinstall your graphic drivers and directx as well. If this wont help, you may try to wait a bit and see if wont fixes itself (as it does for some people). As final try you shoud try to reinstall ArmA 2 itself and redownload DayZ.
  6. eStecko

    Can't get past loading.

    Pretty much classic... check if your beta patch/oa patch is latest and do not try to join empty servers, most of the time, they do not let me in. Also as i figured out, server power directly results in players loading times as some load hell of a fast and in some you have wait like 3 minutes to get into a server. But if they loading is taking too long, just alt+f4 out of the game as you did till now and do not wait for 30 minutes. ;) In my opinion you are just unlucky with server selection.
  7. eStecko


    Why delete your thread? For hack/script advertising, meybe? And now you are mad because of that? Wow, just wow... No need to educate us, we pretty much all know how's it with them right now. Also DayZ is playable quite well, you just have to avoid hackers, see something strange? Disconnect, find different server. See player with name PLAYER 1, PLAYER 2, PLAYER 3 in the player list? Probably do not join the server, etc...
  8. eStecko

    List of Servers with Side Chat Enabled.

    I guess not as the servers are renamed, canceled, blacklisted all the time... the text list would outdate fast. You might try to filter them by name or this might be a good idea to implement into DayZ Commander actualy.
  9. eStecko

    Lag / delay when shooting player

    Well depends. Game bullets are clientside as i noticed, this means and what happend to my friend is, if the server is in lag - yellow chain and somebody shots your frozen body, while the server is not getting the information, but your game does, you will die as the server lag will end. Another thing with is would be the delay when killing someone, like... you->server->playerdied->server->you, which makes up for the delay when someone gets shot, then it takes him few seconds to die in some cases it looks like... you shoot m4 mag into a guy, then he walks away for 3 seconds, you are like WTF!, then he drops down dead.
  10. eStecko

    Transfer cars...

    Or some crazy helicopter hunters jumping into a server with like 15 helicopters, flying all around Cherno. :lol:
  11. eStecko

    Transfer cars...

    Nope. They will stay on the server. And i hope vehicle transfers wont be implemented, ever. ;)
  12. Vehicled disappear when they are not saved ~5minutes before server restart. Another reason might be the vehicles are hacked and they will be gone after restart. Also previously there was a bug which made tents disappear after first restart, but they we're back in another, our camp looks quite messy now. Besides that, the server might not be running latest fix for vehicle save. (just a guess as i seen topic with similiar name)
  13. eStecko

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Dunno if its posted or not, because im lazy to read it all. ^_^ But if its not, then DayZ game will use ArmA 3 engine, the Real Virtuality 4 and Rocket will be able to edit engine itself as well as ArmA 2 (meybe) to create some fixes and highly demanded things as better zombie AI. Release date was hinted to be later on this year, but im not sure if thats rumor or not. But as we heard before, DayZ was already implemented into ArmA 3 as a mod months ago with some effort. Except for this i must say congratz to Rocket for pulling this off, creating awesome mod for all of us, having the incredible patience with all of us, no matter how blind people are and some who still cant see his 48 size pink font. :) Also kudos to Bohemia for being reasonable (no offence intended, just from view at gaming industry giants, there would this probably not happen, or it will did for money milking purpouses) and creating cooperation with Rocket and putting him as Lead in DayZ standalone and the engine as well.
  14. eStecko

    Where can I find a chopper?

    You can find vehicle spawns here - http://dayzdb.com/map but lately i heard rumours about helicopters are able to spawn anywhere outside of buildings and forests. Also, helicopters are quite... rare and demanded. Everyone wants them for some strange reason, i personaly would never trust our squad driver as he was capable of fliping URAL on solid road. :lol:
  15. eStecko


    Encountered hackers probably 10 times. I do not alt+f4 during the game... but when i do, it has something to do with this. Invisible hacker can be heard with footsteps and periferal vision, disconnect. Warping will give you some time to disconnect as well, also seen mid-air warp which will teleport you into air and kill everyone by fall damage, if you disconnect, you will spawn at a coast. Nuking... never seen it, so dont know. I would not risk duping items and in general, it will make the game boring, loosing the sense of looting, like... "what in here? OH AS50! :lol: " But yeah... thats pretty much what i can tell, as annoying and retarded (sorry for being rude, but its pretty much true) they are, just disconnect on first sight of something not normal and go to different server. Yesterday, me and my squad been server hopping for like 40 minutes until we found a decent server. Parachute cows and artillery in cherno is not normal if you ask me. ;)