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Everything posted by Th3Downfall

  1. Th3Downfall

    Join My Nice Bandits

    Hello, I'm looking for people to join my group of Bandits in a private hive. We get in Clan fights quite often and are also online quite often. Please don't hesitate to message me if your interested to play with my group and I. I know the server admins quite well and the server does awesome rollbacks when hackers are involved. My group is rather well known within the server. Server name: DayZ - TPG Private Hive Virginia US106 [DayZ][Regular][170+VEHICLES][DAY ONLY][uTC -10] You can contact me on skype, username is: th3downfall Or you can join the teamspeak server: ts3.totalpunishmentgaming.com. poke me, Downfall, for my Room password Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from many of you
  2. Th3Downfall

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    You cannot drive up to something and loot it. You have to drive up to the town, 200m away or so, and run up on the loot spawn to get the loot. You know this already, most likely anyway. I would like to think that if the game is going to work against us correctly(i.e zombies spawning while we are in vehicles) then I would like to think that it will work for us correctly(i.e loot spawning while we are in vehicles)
  3. Th3Downfall

    Looking for group

    Hello, I am looking for people to join me and my group of Bandits. If you are interested in giving me a shot join the teamspeak server: ts3.totalpunishmentgaming.com and poke me, Downfall, in the channel for the password. Or you can message me on skype, username: th3downfall If you try me and my group out I don't think you'll be disappointed. Thanks for reading!
  4. Th3Downfall

    Serious Group/Clan

    Hello, I am looking for people to join me and my group of Bandits. If you are interested in giving me a shot join the teamspeak server: ts3.totalpunishmentgaming.com and poke me, Downfall, in the channel for the password. Or you can message me on skype, username: th3downfall If you try me and my group out I don't think you'll be disappointed. Thanks for reading!
  5. Hello, I am looking for people to join me and my group of Bandits. If you are interested in giving me a shot join the teamspeak server: ts3.totalpunishmentgaming.com and poke me, Downfall, in the channel for the password. Or you can message me on skype, username: th3downfall If you try me and my group out I don't think you'll be disappointed. Thanks for reading!
  6. Th3Downfall

    Looking to join group

    Hello, I am looking for people to join me and my group of Bandits. If you are interested in giving me a shot join the teamspeak server: ts3.totalpunishmentgaming.com and poke me, Downfall, in the channel for the password. Or you can message me on skype, username: th3downfall If you try me and my group out I don't think you'll be disappointed. Thanks for reading!
  7. Th3Downfall

    Looking for active clan/group

    Hello, I am looking for people to join me and my group of Bandits. If you are interested in giving me a shot join the teamspeak server: ts3.totalpunishmentgaming.com and poke me, Downfall, in the channel for the password. Or you can message me on skype, username: th3downfall If you try me and my group out I don't think you'll be disappointed. Thanks for reading!
  8. Hello. I am very interested in yourself. Please message me on skype username: th3downfall I hope you are not disappointed If you give me a chance
  9. Yo, you people need to join this group so I got more people to kill <3
  10. Th3Downfall

    Looking for Bandits!

    Hello, my group and I are looking to increase our numbers on a private hive server. We ARE bandits! If your interested in playing with us you can reach me on skype. Username on skype: th3downfall We play on DayZ - TPG Private Hive Virginia US106 [DayZ][Regular][170+VEHICLES][DAY ONLY][uTC -10] you can put tpg in your filter and you should find it. Oh and no newbies plz! One last thing I record, most of the time I play.
  11. Hello, my group and I are looking to increase our numbers on a private hive server. We ARE bandits! If your interested in playing with us you can reach me on skype. Username on skype: th3downfall We play on DayZ - TPG Private Hive Virginia US106 [DayZ][Regular][170+VEHICLES][DAY ONLY][uTC -10] you can put tpg in your filter and you should find it. Oh and no newbies plz! One last thing I record, most of the time I play. Here are some of the results: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfGwtdJz-08
  12. Th3Downfall

    Looking to expand our numbers!

    I love you too dagger :) <3 everyone should help me kill this guy!
  13. This trade will never occur
  14. I am 19 yrs old and am looking for some US players to play and team up with. Please be familiar with the map in general and know how to be cooperative. My skype is: Th3downfall Team speak server address: Channel name: Dayz password: velocity Add me whenever. PS. please have a microphone
  15. Th3Downfall

    Looking for players to team up

    If you can connect to us servers i dont mind
  16. Th3Downfall

    Looking for players to team up

    I am currently on
  17. Th3Downfall

    Looking for players!

    Im looking for players to play Dayz with and hopefully get a good group going with. Skype info: th3downfall My age: 19 My region: US eastern Add me on skype if you wanna play!
  18. Th3Downfall

    Looking for players!

    If you wanna play with me and some of my friends just add me on skype: th3downfall My age: 19 From Us and am on Eastern time zone
  19. Th3Downfall

    Looking for players!

    If you want to play Dayz with me and some of my friends add me on skype: th3downfall My age : 19 from US and on eastern time
  20. Th3Downfall

    Looking for players!

    thanks for the info!