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About rcdboy

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  1. rcdboy

    How to spawn in vehicles as Admin?

    Go find one maybe......
  2. rcdboy

    takistan spawn locations

    Yes it's awefull, don't even know what direction should be going to.
  3. rcdboy

    Pending Update: Build

    Whoho ! Guess I could try to start playing again :)
  4. I always play Lingor on this server! ^_^ But somehow I can't join it anymore since it moved? :(
  5. I have seen picture of this before. But I don't know how you could get that.
  6. rcdboy

    Day Z Videos

    I got this strange bug, but it was good for some fun. ^_^
  7. rcdboy

    I have multiple characters?

    That was a private server, they have their own database.
  8. I also can't join any server, got the same error :(
  9. rcdboy

    Day Z Videos

    After I spawned close to Elektro. I saw something in the water. Moved closer and found a Heli! Sadly enough it wouldn't work with wet electronics...... :rolleyes:
  10. rcdboy

    how to find a camp

    First try to find an off road vehicle. And then just drive around the edge of the map. that's just the fastest way.
  11. rcdboy

    Day Z Videos

    How I found my first Mountain Dew. I had never heard of it before. ^_^
  12. rcdboy

    I got em! I got em!

    LOL....... ;)
  13. When got choppers taken out? Because I do remember that I found one that I could repair a about 3 weeks ago.
  14. rcdboy

    wait for host

    Also same here. And the server were I got past "wait for host". Everyone was talking in the group chat that they couldn't join....