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About bennyandthejets

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  1. bennyandthejets

    Prove Me Wrong

    I agree with many of your points. I do think some of the population would die to exposure to the virus, others dieing in the chaos that would ensue following the outbreak (car accidents/trampling etc) & I am not familiar with the populations within Russia but I think it is safe to assume that there would be at minimum tens of thousands within cities such as Stary/Cherno etc. Even with all these variables there would still be a very very substantial zombie population. Obviously more concentrated within the cities but they would be wandering the forests & landscape as well. No where would be safe.
  2. bennyandthejets

    Prove Me Wrong

    My character is very much alive, almost a week playtime. Living out of a tent near NW airfield.
  3. bennyandthejets

    Prove Me Wrong

    If 90% of the population has become infected that means the majority of food & supplies will not only be available but abundant. A extra firearm at your side will not. As I stated earlier, even in Left 4 Dead when automatic military grade weapons practically litter the ground I haven't even killed enough zombies to account for my own cities zed population.
  4. bennyandthejets

    Prove Me Wrong

    This argument is just absurd. I see it in almost every thread. People going on about "In a post apocalypse environment I would kill you for food/water no matter what". In a real zombie apocalypse there is absolutely NO WAY you would have this mentality. The next time your driving down the road look at the population of the city your in. For me that is roughly 100,000+ in a suburb. In a outbreak (whether it be swine flu, small pox whatever) it is projected that only 10% of the population would be immune. So just in my own city we are looking at close to 90,000 zombies. Do you have any f*cking idea how many zombies that is? I have played L4D for close to 200 hours, killing zombies constantly & don't even have 90,000 kills. That is just 1 city... The DayZ servers restrict zombies to manmade structures & even then they are very low in density. I would love to see all those claiming "I would shoot you on sight for supplies" if Dayz servers could actually hold a reasonable zombie population. Its the #1 reason griefing has gotten out of hand as much as it has & why the game will continue to be a pvp deathmatch until zombies actually become a threat.
  5. bennyandthejets

    People are horrible.

    Totally agree with you OP. The sad fact is, this game attracts alot of people with anger/mental issues. Some of the posts I see on these forums just makes me sick. I honestly believe there are people out there who stalk people for hours only to cut them down with a hatchet & beat off IRL while standing over their corpse. They justify their actions by saying "This is how it would go down in a real zombie apocalypse" when really..no this is not how it would go down at all. Want to know why? There would be ALOT more zombies. They wouldn't be isolated to just towns, you wouldn't be able to run into barns so they slow down for you etc You would have to work with others to survive. PERIOD. Until Rocket fixes humanity the game will remain a griefers wet dream instead of a survival horror game.
  6. bennyandthejets

    Punishing bandits? Shut up, seriously.

    Rocket also said that he would give survivors the "tools" to fight back against bandits. He hasn't. Right now survivors have absolutely no idea who is a bandit & who isn't. The "heartbeat" feature he added is garbage. I want to know if someone is a bandit 1500 yards away. If your running around killing people you need to have a different skin so survivors know to kill you on sight. "Well what happens when a survivor defends himself & he too becomes a bandit??" Simple, if a survivor kills a bandit, it doesn't count as a murder. If a bandit or survivor kills a survivor however, its murder.
  7. (No I haven't stepped on one...yet) Hear me out Rocket, I am grateful for new additions to your mod. I enjoy it. Been asking for a real survival horror game for years. That said, with all the issues the mod has atm why were bear traps added? Right now, griefers are completely out of control. Why give them additional tools to grief your new playerbase? It was obvious this would be the outcome after seeing what has happened with barbwire & tank traps. There are so many other areas that need attention. Like increasing the global zombie population significantly, make there actually be a negative side effect for killing players, zombies attracted more to bandits, all random item spawns so players cant camp NW airfield 24/7 etc. I understand its alpha & there are going to be issues, its just that what is actually being added to the game is contradicting what you have been telling the community. Giving "survivors" tools to fight back against bandits.
  8. bennyandthejets

    whats with punishing bandits?

    The best solution at this point is to make the environment more deadly. More zombies, harder zombies, etc. Right now bandits run rampant because they can survive alone & are bored. If the environment FORCED you to cooperate with others to survive, you would. Right now, zombies are a afterthought & hardly a threat. Just today, new character killed 57 zombies with hatchet like nothing. They either need better AI, have some new mechanics or something.
  9. bennyandthejets

    TOTAL WIPE - Yes or No ONLY

    Yes, only people who would be opposed are exploiters/hackers who have mountains of duped items they are clinging onto.
  10. bennyandthejets

    Zombies are OP ATM

    I honestly hope your joking. If anything zombies need to be buffed hardcore. They are hardly even a threat atm. It is the #1 reason griefing is so completely out of control at the moment. If anything they need to increase the zed population by about 1000%.
  11. bennyandthejets

    1.7.2 = "Loading" Screen?

    Worked fine prior to update. Just tried joining a dozen servers. Waited several minutes on "loading" screen on all of them. Anyone else experiencing the same thing?
  12. bennyandthejets

    Day Z: Zombies Need Overhaul

    Currently zombies are not imposing enough. It is the #1 reason why griefing has escalated as high as it is. Players are bored. Once you have your loadout, adequate medical supplies/food/water there is no incentive to do anything outside of camp high grade military spawns & kill other players. Zombies need to increase in number, occasionally drop excellent loot to give players a incentive to kill them, occasionally spawn randomly in the forest, have greater attraction to bandits (As result of loss of humanity) or players killed need to become zombies with ability to attract additional zombies/infect/cripple players. New dynamics need to be added. In their current form they appear to be a afterthought. The reason players kill on sight/grief is because they can survive alone. The only way that will change is if the environment becomes more deadly & they must rely on others to survive.
  13. bennyandthejets

    Uneven loot distribution

    THIS. Seriously, what is Rocket's reasoning by having 1-2 good loot locations & have everything else garbage? Half the small towns aren't even worth going to as they spawn empty tin cans & nothing else. EVERYTHING should be random. That way greifers can't just camp 1-2 spots, get comfortable & snipe all day. Force them to move.
  14. bennyandthejets

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Still logging in only to fall 50 feet to my death. Has happened to all 4 of my friends that play as well. Needs to be addressed immediately.