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Everything posted by Salvarth

  1. Salvarth

    No singleplayer

    Please why the fuck i can't play singleplayer when i have DayZ enabled? That sir is a fucking stupid thing that you can put in DayZ. Not anybody want's to always remove and add the dayz files when he want's to play single. So please remove it.
  2. Salvarth

    DayZ Photoshoot

  3. So does anybody know this servers password? It is a nice server i played on it before it goed password protected
  4. Salvarth

    DE 1416 password?

    Bump no answers, hoping
  5. Salvarth

    The Finnish wishlist

    Aplying EVERYTHING, So good ideas by:Finn
  6. So does anybody know this DE 1416 private hive servers password?
  7. Salvarth

    Hacking is getting out of hand.

    I have played DayZ from the start of may and i have NEVER died to hackers? How is it possible? I play almost everyday on different servers. But i choose my servers wisely not in random.
  8. Salvarth

    DE 1416 password?

    Bump, hoping for answer
  9. So does anybody know the de 1416 password? I would be very pleased if somebody would tell it to me :)
  10. Salvarth

    Respawn button back

    The respawn button should be readded because 1. If you break your legs and don't have morphine how the Hell you can suicide? It is so shitty to play when your bones are broken in the middle of woods. 2. If your spawn bugs example. debug wilderness OR the middle of the sea you just have to wait or run to die in hunger.
  11. Salvarth

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    lol shitty idea. Consoles ruin games
  12. Salvarth

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    lol shitty idea. Consoles ruin games
  13. Salvarth

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    Fucking stupid suggestion.
  14. Salvarth

    Choosing were you can spawn?

    This could be good if you could only select the coast area.
  15. Salvarth

    "Fun" Servers

    Do you know any of server's wich arent official and does not have the same character that you have in official? Cuz because of i am very well geared and i wan't to go to eletkro or cherno, but i don't wan't lose my awesome gear, Including GPS and NVG. So please report to this tread if you know that kind of servers. Thank you
  16. Salvarth


    I just wanted to ask that what kind of zombies are zeds? Are they walkers, jumper's or proners?