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Everything posted by ComboBreaker

  1. Greetings! As far as I know,Rocket is not going to make any significant changes to Dayz mod at the moment,focusing on standalone.Since standalone is not as Arma dependant as it's mod-ancestor, most annoying things in the game can be fixed like: Server Hopping that results in weapon and ammunition abundance.Players do not travel around the map,since there are few places that are worth visiting. Loggers who obviously make game less fun and fair.Im talking both about PvE and PvP loggers. Inability to kill in self-defence and not become a bandit.(yes,if you were hit first,then its self-defence,but what if you were shot at , shooter missed and got shot himself?) Solution: Loot piles are presented not by a weapon/food/equipment models,but rather by a stationary pile of garbage.When you come nearby it,you are given an option to search for loot.Once you've searched it,pile opens an inventory screen,with items that are generated randomly with the same chance as it is now for each item.Then you are able to put stuff inside your backpack or leave loot untouched.Each pile holds loot data for individual,so 2 players can get different loot from the same pile.Why it is needed?Well,each pile sends information to a hive server about it's looter.Searched pile won't give loot to the specified player for 4-7 days(real time!).So,once you've searched every loot pile on Balota's airfield,you will HAVE to move somewhere else! Players will travel to new places whether they like it or not. and 3. Each player is surrounded by a big invisible "bubble" that indicates this player's safe zone.It's size should be roughly 4 meters.Basically it is a part of player's hitbox.If someone shoots you and the bullet flies through your " safe zone " , then you are in combat(cant log out,even though you were not damaged) and at the same time you can shoot this player without becomming a bandit,since he started a fight first.You cant log out when there is a zombie inside your "safe zone" even if it is not aggroed. I know that my idea about loot is not perfect.If you have a different approach to it - post it down,just remember that it should be impossible to loot same place on different servers and it should be impossible to affect loot chances of other players to avoid griefing. Thoughts?Feedback?Was suggested before?
  2. Was already promised by Rocket in standalone.As a default option.
  3. I loot barracks on the Airfield and then hide in trees somewhere near in ghillie suit.No loot for everyone.Creates a whole new level of griefing.
  4. ComboBreaker

    Remove Teamspeak.

    What about RL phones,huh? Also,maybe 2 players are relatives and live together and have 2 computers in the same room,what are you going to do about that? :P
  5. I know that my idea about loot is not perfect.If you have a different approach to it - post it down,just remember that it should be impossible to loot same place on different servers and it should be impossible to affect loot chances of other players to avoid griefing. When the standalone will come,cheaters and dupers will not be a common problem like they are now.When duping and cheating will dissapear(lets hope for it),people will start to use other ways of getting gear without effort - and server hopping will become a new DayZ's cancer. Whats bad about MMO type of looting?As it stands now , all weapons appear when you are near 120 m. away from loot point,so its basically the same thing. and to 1).The difference that it becomes impossible to farm loot.Besides,I dont see a huge difference between farmer and server hopper - you are using the same place you've searched more than 1 time in a row. 2).If you like DayZ you won't be waiting for 5-7 days to gather loot in the same place - you'll travel somewhere else.There are 3 airfields,few military bases and a lot of civilian-military structures already - enough for 5 days if you are on foot.Dont forget that in the standalone the map will be bigger,so you'll have a plenty of places that would be worth visiting.DayZ is an Antigame(quote from Rocket) so it does not have to be nice to player.For realism's sake you would not stay in the same place after you've looted it - you would move somewhere else.
  6. Taken from "Solution to DayZ's worst problems.(Server hopping,Loggers,Self-defence)." Greetings! As far as I know,Rocket is not going to make any significant changes to Dayz mod at the moment,focusing on standalone.Since standalone is not as Arma dependant as it's mod-ancestor, most annoying things in the game can be fixed like: Server Hopping that results in weapon and ammunition abundance.Players do not travel around the map,since there are few places that are worth visiting. Loggers who obviously make game less fun and fair.Im talking both about PvE and PvP loggers. Inability to kill in self-defence and not become a bandit.(yes,if you were hit first,then its self-defence,but what if you were shot at , shooter missed and got shot himself?) Solution: Loot piles are presented not by a weapon/food/equipment models,but rather by a stationary pile of garbage.When you come nearby it,you are given an option to search for loot.Once you've searched it,pile opens an inventory screen,with items that are generated randomly with the same chance as it is now for each item.Then you are able to put stuff inside your backpack or leave loot untouched.Each pile holds loot data for individual,so 2 players can get different loot from the same pile.Why it is needed?Well,each pile sends information to a hive server about it's looter.Searched pile won't give loot to the specified player for 4-7 days(real time!).So,once you've searched every loot pile on Balota's airfield,you will HAVE to move somewhere else! Players will travel to new places whether they like it or not. and 3. Each player is surrounded by a big invisible "bubble" that indicates this player's safe zone.It's size should be roughly 4 meters.Basically it is a part of player's hitbox.If someone shoots you and the bullet flies through your " safe zone " , then you are in combat(cant log out,even though you were not damaged) and at the same time you can shoot this player without becomming a bandit,since he started a fight first.You cant log out when there is a zombie inside your "safe zone" even if it is not aggroed. Thoughts?Feedback?Was suggested before?
  7. Yeah,Rage,that'd be annoying as hell to check out each pile...I would not have anything against though if I knew that every weapon in the game was found in a "fair" fation.Looting huge places would require even more teamwork,as scavenger would spend more time on searching gear and supplies. And to avoid annyance , loot piles could be reduced in numbers and chances of decent gear could be upped to balance it out. P.S. : I dont think that cheating will be a problem in upcomming standalonge =)
  8. ComboBreaker

    Thermal scopes.

    I personally think that the game's most rewarded skills are ability to stay hidden and finding your enemies before they can find you. Thermal scopes just fucks that up and ruins the game.I dont care that scope is on riffle,noone can stop you from having a sniper riffle in your backpack or sniper buddy nearby.Hell,even if it was just a thermal binocular taking up 10 slots,it'd be still unfitting for this type of game.No balance crutches like "batterty dependant" can fix this broken mess.DayZ won't suffer and lose anything if it will dissappear. I think that most of thermal lovers here are simply owners of the aforementioned thermal weapon and thus are against it's removal.Guys,in standalone you'll start with a fresh character anyway,so be unbiased please.
  9. Thats a whole different topic,but you are totally right,
  10. Would make zombies even more annoying,but well...Why not?It forces you to actually fight.
  11. ComboBreaker

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    Remove 3d person altogether. Why?Peeking around borders when lying near the edge of the hospital roof (In Cherno or Electro) gives you an amazing view,while you are completely invisible to other players, even if they are actually checking out hospital's roof,expecting an ambush. If this is not a valid reason,then I dont know what is.
  12. ComboBreaker

    Post your favorite/best survival tip

    №23 Dont bother going north without getting some morphine in towns.
  13. ComboBreaker

    Mi-8 Helicopter?

    Well,hax are bad,but it seems that this guy've decided to use hacked vehicle to help others out and I dont see a huge problem with that.I hope he will get away with a warning instead of the ban.
  14. ComboBreaker

    Can you farm heli crash sites?

    I really hope that they do respawn loot - I've found a heli , with bizon and 2 FALs nearby...I've gathered all other garbage and removed it so it can spawn new loot,but seems that my work was for nothing. Im really dissapointed - I was hoping for a sniper riffle.
  15. I've stopped playing at night when I've been crawling around thinking that Im unseen and then I've decided to turn gamma on...I was a sitting duck for all this time. So,unless you turn gamma on,you are at disadvantage(Im not even touching NVGs here).And that kills one of the most fun experience - try playing with a friend at night without gamma tricks - one lights enemies with flashlight,other shoots.Do not keep flashlight turned on when it is not needed , use chemlights not to lose each other.Its a great fun.
  16. ComboBreaker

    Mk 17 Sniper SD

    Can you remember where you've found it/on who's body you've found it?Seems like a hacked weapon.
  17. Hello. The most obvious usage of the barbed wire - and it comes into mind first - is the creation of the bases.But , with a current server system building bases is pointless.Even if you've made a 2 layered circle with a barbed wire with tents inside and were using helicopter to get inside and outside,someone will just hop into other server and login inside your base. The other usage of the barbed wire is sealing lootable buildings while staying inside to hop from server to server.And lets be honest - its the only usage of the wire that you've probably seen.This or just a random barbed wire in the middle of nowhere - pointless and ruining the atmosphere. This is getting rediculous.Yesterday I've been looting on the outer side of the electro and literally half of the decent buildings were blocked with barbed wire.I've found a toolbox in the nearest warehouse,but because of how screwed up the removal of wire is, I could not remove it.Moreover,I dont want to be an easy target for a server hopper inside the building while trying to target fiddly barbed wire's "hitbox" to remove the damn obstacle. :-/ What I suggest : -Remove barbed wire for now.Noone uses it how it was supposed to be used and just openly griefs with it to get safe loot and piss off other players.Base building is an unfinished concept like skin system was,so untill then we do not need barbed wire altogether.
  18. ComboBreaker

    What is the actual purpose of barbed wire?

    Out of 1500 views this one got I hope one was Rocket's.I'm really interested of his thoughts on this subject. Came across "barbed" farm house,now thats retarded.
  19. I think that you should've driven vehicles to the random spots of the map and leave them for people to be found.Exploding them was neat though. Nice,cold blooded revenge.Only question : why drive with lights on when you had NVG?Makes your equipment useless and turns you into a good target.
  20. ComboBreaker

    Paranoia after murders?

    I like this idea in general.
  21. ComboBreaker

    Are Tents Broken?

  22. ComboBreaker

    Are Tents Broken?

    Yep,broken. Me and my friend found 2(!) tents in the same shop and we could not place it to save our stuff.Even on "flat" surface.While we've uncovered a tent camp and some tents were literally in mid air. 40 minutes later we said "fuck it" and both died while trying to repair a car in the middle of the field.If we had tents we would have placed all worthy stuff there before going for this dangerous mission. Words can not describe how we are pissed off now.
  23. ComboBreaker

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    It seems that Terrorfex completely missed the point... Exploiting is not a "game style" and it should be removed. As for OP - not only bandits use abort to avoid getting overrun by zombies.What we really need is a long time your character stays ingame when you disconnect,somewhere near 30 seconds.This way if you'll try to disconnect when in hairy situation you'll get nommed.Same approach solves fleeing from undesired pvp. And while we are at it - fix refilling mags on disconnection :D
  24. ComboBreaker


    My friend has troubles with turning flashlight on and off.Its very buggy.Sometimes it does work and sometimes it does not. Unequipping and equipping it from the toolbelt might help,but it seems that it is server dependant.
  25. ComboBreaker

    Make whiskey bottles/alcohol useful!

    Alcohol would supress pain and give you temporary immunity to zombies knockouts.