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Everything posted by ComboBreaker

  1. ComboBreaker

    What to do next?

    -Fix a car. -Get into the most dangerous area like airfield and try to hold it off other players. -Share weapons and supplies with other survivors. -Go on mindless killing spree and ruin fun for other players...Yeah,dont do that. -Anything original you can come up with.Like roleplaying.
  2. ComboBreaker

    Knifes & Nades

    Why the knife should one shot anyone? A common person can survive for some time after getting stabbed,what makes you think that zeds who dont feel pain and can soak 1-2 bullets from makarov and live should be instakilled by such a measly type of melee?
  3. ComboBreaker

    Incentive for survivor players.

    I dont think it is balanced to be honest.And believe me,the same kid will stay and continue camping your body with loot untouched just to lure you in for the following kills. But I do agree that killing just for the sake of killing should be disencouraged.Check out Moral theory thread.
  4. ComboBreaker

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    How about adding a "black list"? You know,players who are killing doctors are a total outcasts who deserve to get punished...By our society or at least by it's proud leftovers.Such a risky activity as beeing a doctor in this post apocalyptic mess deserves to be rewarded. Adding to a blacklist should happen only when you are sure that you were lured and killed by the same player to avoid innocents getting hunted. Also I wanted to join military forces to help and keep the law around,but the deletion of the skin system broke my dreams.I might try joining you when I'll have more free time and I'll learn where to get medical supplies.
  5. ComboBreaker

    Entry to tents?

    Well,if there is a good sleeping bag inside a tent you should actually regenerate temperature. Great idea,the most obvious use of tents is not in game,how silly is that? :P
  6. ComboBreaker

    Setting up camp

    Its impossible to place tent now. Afer 50 mins spent in forest , I've been trying to place it in the midle of Bolota's airfield as an experiment.Apparently a road which serves for planes as a landing or take off zone is not flat enough. Please,fix it Rocket,I had to throw compass and map away since I could not save it in tent.
  7. ComboBreaker

    So, I heard you guys like STUFF...

    Hah,nice thing to do but Im sure piles like these would turn into a bait for bandits after you leave.
  8. Its a disadvantage against me,because when I turn gamma up I still see almost nothing =/ And it feels really out of place - almost as bad as using map outside of the game.
  9. ComboBreaker

    You, you and you. You are all part of the problem.

    I disagree with OP. I know a great player and I play with him using skype.I mean great - his aim is not perfect and tactics dont always work - but he values person's life and spent time,so usually when we saw other players before skin chage we let them go away uf they were not bandits(and we might let bandits get away as well if they actually asked us not to shoot). But even he finds it extremely hard to make a contact with someone without getting shot up,so he said "screw it,I'll avoid or shoot everyone".
  10. ComboBreaker

    Display Name Tags Within 20m

    Why not? If you've got so up close it probably means that you are going to socialize,because you'd shoot 5 times allready in case you did not want to.And not knowing person's nick can lead to random sillyness. Edit: What about seeing someone through a skope or binoculars? Or accidently seeing someone in the dark up close?
  11. Hey all. Tired of typing "Friendly?" while beeing aimed at? Cannot type "You,at church,friendly?Answer or die!" before he dissappears behind a corner? Do not want to stop aiming at somebody but you need to type something quick to stop a bloodshed? Chat bindings.Here are some examples : -You,I saw you at %type text% -Go away or die.I won't shoot but I dont need you here either. -Stop firing!I mean no harm! -Stop aiming at me if you want to talk. -Group at %type text% friendly? These simple bindings could stop so much pointless violence.Is it possible at the moment and does if it is not does it deserve to be implemented?
  12. Really?Im dissapointed noone got interested. Dissapointment bump.
  13. ComboBreaker

    A question about infected speeds

    There is a thing as coordination which an infected or rotten brain is not good at =)
  14. Because you will probably need him if you want to protect your anus from rapist zombies. That's the jist of his idea' date=' make the game really punishing so you [i']need other people more than you need the can of beans they might have on them. Sure some people might betray you, but without help you'll die cold and alone. I've read about more durable zeds. "Hm...Im really low on ammo and this guy Tealeaf who I've met is probably bad at aim and will waste his clip or will shoot me when we'll find weapon spawn...Better shoot him now and get another mag or two."TeaLeaf respawns,kills me or another survivor he sees bcause of mistrusting and its all deathmatch again. Just an example,no offence :P I think that you cant fix a broken wheel by changing a wind shield.Increasing difficulty will make players even more aggressive towards each other as loot will become much more needed and harder to get,especially at the beginning,when its suppoused to be easier to team up since players are not afraid to die as much. I do not argue that it won't force some players to team up outside of the game with people IRL.But I think that most complaints are about difficulties with socializing with strangers , in-game.And it should be looked at as this is the juiciest part of zombie apocalypse.
  15. ComboBreaker

    Suggestion: Poker

    Guitars,cards...Cant you see that this is not type of game that welcomes socializing?(at least for now.And I really hope it'll change)
  16. ComboBreaker

    Non-lethal weapons and traps.

    The main problem I do see with it is that getting knocked out is as good as beeing dead. Im sure most players will find it funny to knock someone out and fully loot him out of weapons and ammo...Or only weapons if you want to be mean. I can foresee some sort of "sneaky slug" griefing - knock out,loot, shoot someone's legs and bandage him;While it may be fun at first I bet it'll get old soon enough.And believe me running(crawling) around without weapon is very humiliating(got my makarov deleted because of backpack bug)
  17. All theories break when it comes to gameplay : even a good guy Greg such as me shoots everyone on sight just because it is too risky not to and there are no consequences.Why the hell should I try and speak with someone when I can simply gun him down and feel safe? Im all for bandits and survivors looking the same,but untill humanity will be done DayZ will stay a survival deathmatch without any sort of socialising. Sorry if I didnt get your idea - I was not reading really carefully.
  18. ComboBreaker

    The Moral Effect Theory v2.0

    Thats what I've been always thinking. Do not punish bandits...But rather make players think "Will it be worth it if I kill this guy?He does not have decent gear so I'll let him pass or rather scare away.Killing him is not worth it." "This guy has an auto riffle and he does not see me,but Im low on sanity...Is his riffle worth getting?I guess I'll take my chances." Killing must be a decision a player should not take light hearted.I dont care what kind of penalties there will be,they should not be permament but last long enough to make you think twice before pulling the trigger. Again,its not about punishing,its more about making Killing(yeah,starts with "K") feel a special,well thought decision.Or a mistake you will heartly regret. A single kill now and then for loot or self defence should not be punished(or punished very slightly)...Brainlessly killing everyone on sight "just because" MUST be punished though. Sanity instead of Humanity?Why not.
  19. ComboBreaker

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    Great OP,well thought and honest.I dont understand why this thread is not 5/5. I fully agree with you : I think that bandits are beneficial to this game(and in fact,it's major part,as it adds so much tension and paranoya) but when it comes to actual gameplay beeing a bandit is much more easy than beeing a survivor. Facial expressions,yes.Body shaking(does not affect aim,purely cosmetic),yes.Something that can be recognized only up close or using optics/binoculars - yes. What I'd like to add to your idea : do not make a penalty for beeing a bandit - add penalty(which actually affect aim and such) for brainlessly killing everyone you see - killing too many players(bandits or not) in a short ammount of time MUST be punished,as it surely was not done for looting or in self defence - its just someone on pointless killing spree. I like how people scream about realism when it comes to pointing out via skins who is who, but they ignore the fact that noone would be able to kill everyone he sees and stay completely sane and just chill out without any consequences. Just an example if there was some sort of penalty. Imagine if a bandit wanted to get someone's gear - but he killed someone before in self defence - he'd be forced to rob(yeah,without killing) using microphone,tactic and teamwork.Which would add roleplay and tension and spice things up.
  20. ComboBreaker

    bandit mercy

    Maybe he was a survivor who had to self defend himself from someone and thus getting bandit skin? He was trying to regain humanity back,thus killing you was the worst option.He has bandaged you and left,trying to avoid any further contacts with survivors.
  21. ComboBreaker

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Rocket,morphing is a terrible idea,at least at this moment. While I think that it adds to realism, making survivors and bandits look the same makes banditism an absolite and perfect form of survival.You get only benefits by beeing a bandit. Which basically means that game will turn into a deathmatch. Bandits and survivors should have been morphed only after finished humanity system. Edit: Also,Rocket,do you understand that you are ruining interesting metagame like survivors organising into a "Law enforcing forces" and bandits counteracting them with brutal,unorganised squads and tactics?It'd be so awesome to see these two forces clash,but thanks to this change it will not be possible. /Edit But all in all,you are the creator and you need experementation to perfect DayZ,so Im understand why you are doing this.(I hope)
  22. *What happened: Character got completely healed when I had a sudden disconnection. *Where you were: South east,0.5 km away from Berezino. *What you were doing: Trying to survive while having legs broken,pain shock,1800 blood. *Current installed version: 1.5.7 *Server(s) you were on: Unkown,possibly DE7 *Your system specs: 2.33 MHz / ATI 3800 / 3 GB RAM / Win7 x32 *Timeline of events before/after error: Problems with electricity resulted in my computer turning off.When I've logged in after 20 mins,my character was fully healed,all negative effects were removed(although he was on the floor because he had to crawl before),character was in the same position when comp turned off,inventory was unchanged. *Full story: I had my legs broken.It was a midde of the night,it was raining and I had 1800 blood. I was on the edge of the town berezino and I knew that the only thing that could save me was a shop in the west part of the town.If it had any morphine. I didnt have any troubles with ammo...In fact I had 4 magazines.Of CZ.Do you see the irony? When I was crawling around dozens of zeds, my heart was beating inside my chest and I knew that I could make it.Or maybe not.I had one of the most fun hours of DayZ. Suddenly lights go off : problems with electricity IRL. When I've logged into the server again,my character was on the floor and I continued crawling...When I realised that I didnt have to because I was cured totally while my inventory was unchanged. So yeah, it was an exploit in action - although it was not done on purpose...Anyone had the same experience?
  23. ComboBreaker

    Character healing on sudden disconnection.

    Edited OP to match subforum's requirements.