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Everything posted by ComboBreaker

  1. Oh man I saw your body near the damaged traktor.It was just outside of electro,right?
  2. ComboBreaker

    DayZ Music

    Well,its inspired by zombie genre,it must be creepy :D
  3. ComboBreaker

    I thought I was a nice person...

    Well written story.Check out mine at survivor's HQ , called "a terrible necessity".
  4. I got my first kill today.No,not a kill,a murder.Terrible murder that Im ashamed of. He was not my first victim.I killed people before - one time because of the self defence(I've managed to place a headshot with lee enfield while beeing ripped into shreds by AKM up close,we both died instantly),and while protecting a friend from suspicious survivor. But this was different. I went into Balota at night.I found AKM and lots of ammo for it.Moreover,I found a silenced pistol!My heart was racing hard and I knew that I HAD to get some morphine before going north.I had to suicide so many times with decent gear because of broken legs in the middle of nowhere.So,I went into Electro's hospital. ...I got my legs broken by a single crawler.I emptied my silenced pistol's mag in it's dead face with stupid smirk on it.Fucker got me at the very edge of the Electro - trying to get to hospital with 6k and broken legs would mean death.Staying here would mean death too - I did not have food or water at all. Suddenly I heard a shot nearby.A loud,proud,single shot. I knew what I had to do.I crawled there and saw a lootable civilian house with a dead zed at it's doorstep.Whoever shot him was looting inside. I had a microphone.I could use voice chat to ask a person for a morphine.And I'd do it,but the house was roughly 100 meters away,so direct communication won't work.Also I had an AKM and a silenced pistol - lots of people would be tempted to put a bullet into my head without questions.With a short sigh,I took out AKM and started to wait. ...First shot went above his head.He panicked,looked around in panic and tried to strafe,but a following salvo got him.He fell down and as soon as I've tried to get up close to loot morphine and stop his bleeding,"Kris Jensen" died - and with him a part of my soul died. ...He had a single morphine which allowed me to get into hospital.Six bloodbags,five morhines and two epi-pens are in my backpack.Im thinking of sharing it with other people or becoming a doctor - after hiding silenced pistol of cource.A gear,bathed in blood will not serve it's owner well anyway. I might have commited a murder - but Im still a human - and Im not going to become one of you,twitching bandit scum! Even if you'd do the same to me,Im terribly sorry Kris.
  5. ComboBreaker

    Crossbow... Opinions?

    Crossbow gets 2/5. Its silent,yes.It does not agro zeds if they dont get killed by the first shot.Long reload is justified. But terrible sights,crasy number of inventory slots you have to waste for a decent ammount of ammo and bolts glitching off makes this weapon completely unreliable. Crossbow needs some attention.Before *at least* 1 bolt = 1 slot gets changed I won't use it.
  6. ComboBreaker

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    I try not to shoot anyone,but lets be honest,when you meet someone with a decent gear and you have the decent gear yourself,you'll end up shooting each other for sure.
  7. No , but ... ...but limiting player's ability to properly fight and grief right after spawning is the step in the right direction.Instead of giving no weapons,give players only 1-2 mags on start.
  8. ComboBreaker

    Zombie editor faction

    Bump,because Im interested in this too.
  9. ComboBreaker

    Lets do this, Trading Station Delta - Edited

    Great thinking,but it'll get ruined by server hoppers.
  10. ComboBreaker

    Friendly in Cherno Graphic

    A bit choppy,but the joke is still funny.
  11. Yes. It makes survivor's life a bit easier while not beeing as silly as skin system.The visual representation via scars and blood stains would be better but it'll do. Edited: Heartbeat should start after 2-3 seconds of tracking someone to prevent exploiting this system.The only question is : should the heartbeat start if you track someone via sniper riffle or binoculars across a great distance?I see it like this : you see a person better when using binoculars,thus a distance should not decrease sound of the heart beating.
  12. A very logic thing to do during zombie apocalypse. I like this idea a lot. Less risk than placing a tent,but less reward as you cant hoard as many items.Perfect for a lone players/small teams consisting of 2-3 players.
  13. ComboBreaker

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    Один раз - не пидорас ? I laughed a bit.Reminded me of pretentiously idiotic Cheese's suggestions on TeamFortress2 forum.
  14. ComboBreaker

    Choose Starting Items...Ultimate Risk/Reward

    Add matches,knife with a proper cost and it'd be an interesting concept.Dont forget to put a price on the flares,bandages and other beginning stuff that would've make sense for starting survivor. You gimp yourself either by having weak or no weapons or having no tools for a proper survival at the start.Interesting idea,but Im afraid that most people would prefer a strong pistol and beach warfare would become even more rediculous. Personally I'd give a lot to be able to spawn with a compass at the start. I've thought of a solution though : if you die witin 1-3 hours after spawning from zeds,bleeding,food or water needs you'll get penalized for a few points temporary(beeing killed by a player does not penalize as hard though),meaning that you will have to think twice if you are really going to roll with a good weapon but a few magazines. And seeing how most people use map outside of the game I think that map will be an unpopular choice.
  15. I would not have any problems with hiding stuff outside of the map bondaries if that meant that anyone in the game can still find a fresh broken vehicle inside normal map. I have never encountered any *natural* vehicles inside normal DayZ's map(I've stolen a repaired motorcycle with an almost empty tank,but I think it belonged to someone before).Im starting to think that hiding vehicles outside of the map's borders causes a stop to the spawning of other vehicles.And this is bad. Maybe number of vehicles on the server should not be limited?Or am I mistaking here and they still spawn and Im just unlucky?
  16. ComboBreaker

    DayZ Memes

    I play elevator music in global voice chat during waiting for server responce.
  17. ComboBreaker

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    What about situations when someone has problems with electricity/internet sudden disconnection?
  18. Basically when you choose a tent in your inventory an indicator appears.This indicator shows if you can or can not place tent.Selecting a tent again or dropping it cancels the indicator. With a new system you move around untill you'll see where you can place a tent,instead of bringing up gear menu every 5 meters. Thats it.
  19. ComboBreaker

    Setting up camp

    I wonder if the "tent" situation has improved with the new patch.Cant try it out now myself.
  20. The current animation is extremely clunky.I do understand that it should take some time to prepare a long throw,but what if Im throwing a flare right under my feet or dropping a lit flare during running or if I dont want to throw it at all but instead need it in my hands to fight zeds off?All actions I've mentioned require different animations asap. I've stopped playing during nightime,since I dont use gamma trick and I've died 5 times during night time or it resulted in my death later - all times because I got beaten up badly while throwing a flare under my feet in sloooowmotiooooon.Or getting eaten by an ol` good zed-through-the-wall,but thats another topic :) P.S.While we are at it,a flashlight as it is is unusable.Whenever you need to fight zeds off you need to drop a flare anyway or spray and pray which defeats the whole point of a reliable source of light.
  21. ComboBreaker

    Change the animation for flare usage.

    Just to make it clear : Im not asking for graphical enchancments,I just dont think that lighting and holding a flare should require you throwing it first. And yeah,thats a bump