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About Maxb130

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. >Le GUIDS I seriously hope you didn't just do that...
  2. video proof courtesy Drencrom himself... videos clearly shows a hacked client... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_u_qNDrs14 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OD6eWoLg3UM
  3. Maxb130

    Freeside Whiners

    ITT: rustled jimmies
  4. Maxb130

    Will my PC run Day z

  5. I removed the link... but really the video was found by searching "how to hack arma 2 dayz"... It is not really rocket science on how to find videos like that... dumb ass
  6. Yeah I forgot to record myself killing myself... oh well I guess I could like make a vid of my current gear or something... idk
  7. Bump... I was the one recording