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Everything posted by Malmortius

  1. I'm going to issue a challenge to you survivors. I thought this up a couple of days ago and only just played through it. Ill explain below. I'm not a hardcore DayZ player, but i play regular and have done for months and months. If you're like me you may find it hard to find purpose when you have an extremely powerful weapon and a bunch of supplies. It seems you become more stressed about losing said item rather than enjoying it. I'd always pass on the crossbow for better weapons. Afterall, its aim is wonky, each bolt takes up a slot and it isn't particularly accurate. Perfect. After starting a new game a couple of hours ago the first weapon i came acoss was the crossbow with 2 bolts. So i said to myself, what if i just survived using this? I've never had this much fun in a long time. Theres something very satisfying putting a bolt through a zombies head, then running over to the body to collect it. Or taking down a guy wielding a AK with just a crossbow(i'd imagine). I was in a house with about 4 zombies chasing me, i'd shoot one, and wiggle around the room trying to gather the bolts I'd used. Every bolt you find feels like a blessing because you're so short on space for your ammo. So here are the rules. Feel free to post any others if they're good, and will make the challenge fairer on yourself. Remember, do this challenge properly or don't do it at all. You'll only be cheating yourself. :) -You are allowed to use no other weapon other than the crossbow to kill things. -Melee weapons are permitted until you find a crossbow -Once you find a crossbow, even if you have no bolts, you aren't allowed to use any other weapon. -Guns are only allowed to be put into your backpack. You cannot aim, shoot, wield or carry any other weapon, besides in your backpack. You can give them to whoever, just YOU are not allowed to use them. Simple and few, but effective. Let ze games begin! I want to hear some good stories surrounding this. :) This is my crossbow. There are many like it, but this one is MINE. My crossbow is my best friend. it is my life. I must master it as i must master my survival. My crossbow without me is useless. Without my crossbow, i am useless. I must fire my crossbow true. I must shoot straighter than the bandits who are trying to loot me. I must shoot straight at the zombies who are trying to eat me. I must kill them before they kill me. I will.
  2. I was in elektro just passing through, looking for supplies. A guy was in the hospital so i walked into it and asked "Whos in there, friendly?" he said "Yeah, im friendly." and then started asking questions, so i got a bit suspicious. Eventually we made friends and i gave him a blood transfusion he asked for (2780 humanity woo!). I had to pick off a bunch of zombies who were coming towards us first. We exchanged a few words and he said he was going to check out the store. A really nice moment. Situations like this is why i play DayZ :) About 10 minutes later im back in the hospital, and i come across a guy in a guille suit, and has a rare automatic weapon. I ask friendly? And he sounds incredibly suspicious on mics and starts following me. I keep saying "stay back man, im really suspicious of you" but he ignores and keeps following me, so i keep turning corners to stay out of his line of sight. im thinking he wanted me to stay still to take a clear shot. After about 30 seconds of him chasing me around the hospital roof (lol) he starts taking a few shots. I yell out on mic "Chill man, im not shooting back" but he continues, im actually laughing on mic saying "Jesus man, aggressive much?" I bolt it down the stairs and make my way out. I refuse to kill anyone unless its a sniper, or they end up shooting me directly. Even if i lose my gear.
  3. I'm hoping ill at least spark the thought of "maybe i should not shoot this guy" in at least a few people.
  4. Oh well, i will never change. Helping people is so much funner than killing. Maybe its because i already have so many PvP games. Guild wars 2, CoD. There arent many games out there that genuinely let you help people. Theres been quite a few times i've given someone my main weapon and left myself with just a pistol. Selflessness over selfishness in my eyes. :)
  5. Welp, you'll never know the great feeling of helping someone, rather than shooting someone.
  6. Malmortius

    I'm done.

    Just tried to jump over barbed wire, instantly died and lost everything after gathering for 2 hours. Im done.
  7. Malmortius

    The Crossbow Crusader Challenge.

    Hope more people participate in this. :P
  8. Malmortius

    The Crossbow Crusader Challenge.

    Just had a great shootout with a guy who had an automatic. I only had 4 bolts. He killed me but i seen him faint, and was bleeding. Hopefully he died :(
  9. Malmortius

    The Crossbow Crusader Challenge.

    Yep, ive never thought about the crossbow until now.
  10. Makarov body shots take about 10 shots to kill them (Which i think is good, if its not a headshot) But one thing that IS annoying me is their sight. They are seriously seeing me from 5x the distance they used to. This is a change? It makes it impossible to sneak past them. Maybe thats the point.
  11. It used to be under a minute or two but now its over like.. 5 minutes. My computers pretty badass too. Its usually worse when creating a new character it'll stick on "loading". It takes so long and sometimes doesnt load at all. Any ideas how to fix this.
  12. Malmortius

    My DayZ is taking a LONG time to load up.

    Its definatly worse when creating a new character
  13. I love helping people in DayZ, but with all the random killing going on its hard to do it often. I never shoot first so i'm usually restarting alot. I just had a great little moment that made me hope there is a future for DayZ. At least the survivor helping survivor part of it. I was running through cherno and came across a guy crawling on the floor, with an axe. He immediately said "Don't shoot! i only have an axe" i said "No worries brother, i'm a friendly." He proceeded to ask if i could give him a transfusion, and that hes running to the coast to meet up with friends. I said no problem. I killed a few of the zombies around him and we chatted just a little. Afterwards i offered him a gun, my Winchester with 2 mags. (I still had a makarov with about 8 mags) and he asked if i wanted to come to his friends, i said sure. In the back of my mind i was expecting him to shoot me, since i had a big backpack, camo(Not guille suit, the other one) and lots of supplies. But he didn't. As we were getting over the hill, a sniper started shooting, taking pot shots just around us (i could literally see zombies actually dropping around us, since we were being chased. he might have actually been trying to help us) We ended up getting split up when we were overrun and i pulled them off the guy and ran into the forest. Nothing spectacular, but theres been many times when ive given them a gun and they've killed me and taken everything. Thats part of the game, but it happens way more than it should considering a guys generosity. I'm just happy when things like this happen, it really gives you the nice feeling of helping somebody out. And maybe that person will do the same for the next!
  14. Or is it separate for each character? Would suck to get 5k humanity to just lose it right after. :(
  15. Am i the only one that likes character wipes? A clean slate, a new beginning. More choices, more possibilities! I had a 2 week old character with mountains of items but i'm more excited about starting again than anything. I've always been like that with games.
  16. Malmortius

    NEW CHARACTER!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?

    But aren't wipes supposed to be consistant in Alpha? We're here to test the game, for free aswell.
  17. I propose that it would be more immersive for someone to hold you up for your loot, then leave you alone rather than just shoot you in the face. Being able to get at least a sense of how dangerous or unpredictable a survivor is will go a long way. Good or bad, interaction in a game like this is a good thing. Seeing someone else is so rare that you don't want the only interaction to be exchanging gunfire. So here is one of my ideas. 1. If you meet another survivor, when you hover over them they will have different "titles" that represent a real-life equivalent emotion that you'd be able to see in real life, depending on how many survivors (innocents) they've killed. For example: 0 kills - Survivor 1 kill - Nervious survivor 2 kills - Cautious survivor 3 kills - Unpredictable survivor 4 kills - Ruthless survivor And so on. This way, it wouldn't be as black and white as "bandit" or "survivor" and a survivor would be able to make their own decision based on their title, choosing whether to avoid that survivor entirely or try to interact, which is a risk, but that's in the spirit of a game like this. I have a bunch of others, but we'll see how this thread goes.
  18. I'm going to have to disagree, Robert. This isn't a case of brutality, its a case of realism as so many have been quick to say is the most important aspect of this mod. Having the option to gun down anyone needs to stay, but that option is so freely exercised that there's no room for any other option or playstyle. Its because its a game that it needs indicators for such things, there is no emotional attachment which makes you think twice about actions as there are in real life. In other words, You want the realism of bruality but not of morality or consequence. That sounds more unreasonable than what im suggesting.
  19. Side chat is what made going out of citys alot less lonely. What UK servers still have side chat? Sometimes in games, too much realism isn't a good thing. Side chat was a good thing IMO, they at least need a replacement soon. Searched so many, cant find.