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About Gezus

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  1. LOL. I just snarfed coffee out of my nose.
  2. Sometimes it's not the Zeds you have to worry about.
  3. Gezus

    Damn 4.3 u scary!

    What he ^^ said.
  4. Gezus

    Damn 4.3 u scary!

    i will find out his exact specs. I am the guy who died :P Though.. now that I think about it.. we both run gaming pc's and both get really smooth 60 frames. I am texting him now for his setup. I run: AMD Phenom II x6 1090T 16gigs of bargain bin Gskill ram MSI GTX 460 TwinFrozer and we use Mirillis Action to record in glorious 1080p if you look at the other video "Trouble in toque town" you can see my video.
  5. Gezus

    Damn 4.3 u scary!

    It's funny you say that.. It's the first thing I said when I watched the finished video!
  6. Gezus

    Damn 4.3 u scary!

    Oh man .. this was the most fun I have had since launch. :P just wanted to share our first day with you guys. hella fun.
  7. Why request this? .. just like the OP .. people wont take the time to read it anyway?.. Considering it more or less ALREADY exists..
  8. Gezus

    Press Vest ONLY for Streamers and Youtubers

    Ugh.. this just reminds me of the infamous "Minecraft Cape" debacle. No thanx..
  9. Gezus

    Adding Random Encounters?

    I think as we go further down the road in development these things will start to happen naturally. Some quick examples. - Once there is vehicles.. you might see a plane/heli crash.. or a bunch of maniacs speeding down the train track in a broken down school bus at 4am. - Weather will help with this as well. making it harder to get around. perhaps blocking some areas.. or making it hard to see in an intense rain storm.. or the sun blinding you off the freshly fallen snow. - Spawning. Once the entire world isn't spawning on the coastline. we might see more bambi's in the north half of the map rather than full geared out military mega machines who farmed the whole way up at night on a server with a population of 2. Hence more opportunity for interesting player interaction rather than getting slaughtered as soon as you approach anything. - Loot value. There is way too much of EVERYTHING right now.. Seems completely silly to see 25 people running around in complete military garb with fully kitted out M4's.. It's scary to go anywhere. It happened in DayZ Mod, I am sure it will start to happen here.
  10. Gezus

    Adaptive Artificial Intelligence for Zombies

    I actually "sorta" like this Idea.. Maybe not ALL zeds.. but maybe some.. This is not an unheard of experiment in zombie culture. In fact George A. Romero's "Land of the Dead" is a movie that explores the idea of regardless of "Dead".. perhaps ALL things "learn" and "adapt" to their surroundings. Also .. for the record. The last time I checked.. the zeds in DayZ are NOT walking corpses.. they are in fact "infected" humans.. Link for reference. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0418819/?ref_=nm_knf_i3
  11. Gezus

    DayZ should be set in Autumn - here's why...

    I would rather see dynamic weather/season cycles. We already have pretty dynamic Day/Night cycles. Would be a great addition to have the seasons change just like IRL.
  12. Gezus

    How to make the map more engaging.

    Quite possibly the most educated [suggestion] I have read in weeks. I love all of this. I feel like this + smarter item spawns would make this game perfect.. When I read your soccer idea I immediately thought how cool would it be if you came across a soccer pitch and there was actually a bunch of survivors playing soccer.. The reason everyone kills is because really.. its all there is right now.. imagine if you could join an actual colony.. as for the smarter item spawns all I mean is... I shouldn't be finding an M4 in a kitchen in some isolated town.. however.. finding a hunting rifle in a barn seems legit. I also think that weapons need to be rarer. doesn't make sense to me that a large % of the population is running around in military grade clothing and carrying an m4 fully stocked with military grade attachments... also .. ammo .. there is WAY to much.. we should have to really think about wasting our last 4 bullets on a zombie or random stranger that just happens to be running by. Would FORCE more NON combat interaction..
  13. Wow.. not very often I find someone who knows JTHM.. :P