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About jerald_b

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Atlanta, GA
  • Interests
    My Lady

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  • Bio
    Simple dude.
    Simple Life. Work and College and the love of my life. Nuff' said.
  1. A bit worse of an issue here. I've been down for a week. Opened a ticket yesterday. Probably should have opened it when I was less frustrated a week ago...
  2. He had me to a Tracert. Seems to me I may have a router issue. Which I am looking into, but he's forwarding the info to the devs to find a solution. Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\J>cd c:\windows\system32 c:\Windows\System32>tracert -d Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 40 ms 38 ms 40 ms 3 32 ms 30 ms 40 ms 4 37 ms 29 ms 28 ms 5 38 ms 26 ms 29 ms 6 44 ms 55 ms 36 ms 7 * * * Request timed out. 8 33 ms 37 ms 30 ms 9 39 ms 28 ms 68 ms 10 * * * Request timed out. 11 * * * Request timed out. 12 33 ms 45 ms 42 ms 13 32 ms 36 ms 30 ms 14 38 ms 25 ms 34 ms 15 225 ms 206 ms 211 ms 16 48 ms 44 ms 49 ms 17 49 ms 56 ms 40 ms Trace complete. c:\Windows\System32>
  3. Don't have another computer. Yeah, I've tried exp and nothing still, session lost. No seeding, and I have Verizon's XLTE network (Very strong signal), never had this issue before a week ago, however I'll look into my router settings and see if something messed up... All good man, Yeah, I've tried the whole battleye mess. Anybody else got any ideas?
  4. Just tried your suggestion, didn't work. This is happening on EVERY single server. Every one. No matter which server I try to get on before I even start loading in the popup "Confirmation of Changes: Session Lost" comes up. Edit: Standalone btw. Edit 2: Hell. If you know how to get my characters wiped. Do it. If that some how magically makes the game work again. I'm totally and desperately lost. I have tried everything I know to do. And then some. Heading to bed, hopefully someone will have some more ideas for me to try when I get up. Thank you for any and all help.
  5. I have tried every possible thing to fix this. Every server I join I get: "Confirmation of Changes: Session Lost" Yes. There are players in the server. Yes, it does have the green dot, so the server (every server.) is not down. Yes, redownloaded, and reinstalled. Yes, Dayz and Steam are allowed through the firewall. No, I'm not banned. Seriously. I cannot find help anywhere. I don't know where to turn. I'm completely hopeless as nothing I try is helping. Seriously, please someone help out. I haven't been able to even join a server in days. Link to my feedback tracker with EVERYTHING I HAVE TRIED: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=14221 Please. Someone has to have an answer for me. I'm totally fucking lost. This is all I get : http://i.imgur.com/kkqLGXa.jpg
  6. jerald_b

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    Seriously... Any clues? Any idea what ports the damn game uses? So lame. Cannot join servers when it finds servers, then the other half of the time no servers show up....
  7. jerald_b

    New Server US 1378 Active Admin

    We are on your server now, need to get your steam tag, can report hackers to you just like right now on your server there is one. Dude teleported between me and my buddy, we aborted... Subfocus and Truth, sitting in the lobby now. We have a big group who are regulars on your server. Love it by the way. Was planning on donating as soon as I have the available cash, classes right now so I'm mad broke.
  8. jerald_b

    [VIDEO] The Bandit Clan, The Spy & The Ambush

    Pussies banning player because they got their asses legitimately kicked. Freaking bullshit. Glad you ripped Elysium a new one, They are in our server multiple times. Officially consider targets at all times.
  9. Just reporting another hacker, teleporting, automatic body hiding, automatic FN FAL, and some kind of crazy ass multiple explosion cannon thing. I fraps'ed it but I have to convert the video, which is difficult since I don't have CS4 anymore. But yeah. Bullshit. Good thing I have backup gear on another server. I doubt anything can be done, but I have video proof. :P
  10. jerald_b

    Number of possible chars?

    You would need another steam account. But that is 30 bucks for another character, All characters are linked to prospective CD keys.
  11. I'm positive. It's definitely moving. I don't know what is up. I'll try again tonight and see if I can duplicate the results in fraps.
  12. Everyone knows that Arma 2 is a heavily realist military simulator, however wind didn't entirely factor in during the original title, it took a mod, of which name I do not recall, that totally revamped sniping physics in Arma 2. Originally, Sniping you would have to account for distance, target movement speed, and the velocity of the caliber of bullet fired. And that was it. Sniping was mad easy. But as of, I have noticed that wind is DEFINITELY a factor now. I could fire on a target and over 500+ meters easily originally and now I have noticed my bullets tracking to the left, right, higher, and even lower than expected bullet drop. Has anyone else noticed this? Because I have not witnessed wind factors before this patch.
  13. jerald_b

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    AMAZING NEWS! Cannot wait to see the amazing features you are going to throw in rocket now that you are not limited by ArmA 2's assets! I can see some of your original idea's already! FREAKING STOKED! I'd be willing to pay right fucking now. Things I am hoping for: Higher Character Customization, Dismemberment (Saw tech footage of the new engine for ArmA 3), CONTINUING the brutality of the games mechanics (no COD shit, keep the simulated shooting.)... So on. Keep up the hard work Rocket! As well as the lucky men and women getting to work on the Standalone DayZ project!!!
  14. jerald_b

    Conversation With ***er Must Watch

    I completely agree.
  15. jerald_b

    Gettin Kicked

    Bad luck then man, I'd join a server multiple time if you've been kicked, if you keep getting kicked for no reason and you see that the *Admin* is actually playing... It's probably Admin abuse. It sucks but happens, report it. If the ____ *Admin* is not playing though... I do not know what to tell you.