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About MperorM

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. I was joining this server and the guy came up to me. We started talking (he hadn't hit puberty yet as his voice were like a fucking 12 year old.) suddently he decided to kill me. I spawned again and he came up to me and said "fuck you" and killed me again. I decided to spawn again and talking in direct com asking him why he cheats while he were trying to hit me with a DMR (which he sucked at) After around 8 shots he decided to teleport me into a big sea. I am not sure weather I should laugh or cry. In one hand it was hillarius when he tried to hit me with his sniper, but on the other hand it saddens me that someone can be 9-11 years old and ruin the gaming experience for others. This kid must be super spoiled. How many of you have had funny expirience with hackers too?
  2. MperorM

    how my 32 day char died.

    That wouldn't be better as people would still be able to afk to get "hours played" up. I like the current system as it makes me feel like a real survivor when I can only count the days I have survived
  3. MperorM

    how my 32 day char died.

    Well, my char had too pee often and he got tired quickly so there might be some truth in the fact that he got old. I should probably have taken one of those woodhouses and barricaded it, so I could live there happily until some hacker would nuke my fine house :)
  4. I was walking down some stairs when all of a sudden, SMASH. Wasn't players that killed me, wasn't zombies no. IT WAS FUCKING STAIRS!!! BEHOLD THE MIGHTY STAIRS.
  5. I have been a bandit. I am at -200 k humanity. I have decided I want to become a survivor. My humanity will never get positive because of the choice I made. Holy fuck that is awesome! The fact that I have made a choice that I will have to stick with is simply too cool! Have any of you experienced things that you don't necessarily notice but are what makes dayZ such a great game?
  6. Thats why I suggested a cooldown or some other form of restriction
  7. In that case the server doesn't get the time to pick up all the things it need to, to send it to hive.
  8. I didn't alt-f4. My internet is really really slow so I have alot of connection bugs like items not saving when I log out. This is what happens when the hive didn't receive the information needed. This happens when you alt - f4 because it closes instantly hive doesn't get the information and when you internet is slow it happens because your internet couldn't upload the information fast enough. I don't alt -f4 my internet is just really fucking slow.
  9. I understand that people shouldn't be able to spam respawn to get to good spawn locations, but I am stuck on an invisible bike and I can't kill myself. I would really like to see it enabled again but with a 15-30 min cd. Anyone agree?
  10. MperorM

    DayZ Bmxing

  11. MperorM

    Logged off on a bike

    I have no mates at all. How the hell do I kill myself?
  12. I logged in again and now all my items are gone and my guy is riding an invisible bike which cant move and I can't step off it. How do I stop this wierd thing?
  13. MperorM

    ppl who don't duplicate itens

    you can dupe items ? Btw I would like to play with you.
  14. I am eu gmt + 1. I am looking for players or a clan to play with as playing alone has gotten boring. You can add me on skype. Mathias.kirk.bonde