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About Velourium

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  1. Velourium

    Aussie LFG

    tell you my gear so you can decide whether or not you come and kill me...? Lets just say it is sufficient.
  2. Velourium

    Aussie LFG

    So I'm sick of trying to communicate with people in game to get co-ordinated. I need to get with a group to accomplish higher tasks. I'm a survivor and I'm in the Warehouse on the eastern side of Cherno. Anyone wanna meet up?
  3. Velourium

    Bandit Gangs

    Hi DayZ! I'd love to see motorbikes implemented into the game. Imagine rolling around with a gang of bandits, driving town to town. Yes, you can make them super loud and attract zombies. Anyone like this? Have any other vehicles you'd like to see? Like maybe a F250 with a buddy sitting on the back firing at zeds!
  4. This story was fun until the ending. You are cancer.
  5. Velourium

    New Player Observations

    This is the apocalypse, fuck etiquette. Most players would rather just kill you in the chance you have some good loot. There's no incentive for grouping up at low levels of play.
  6. Velourium

    Implant Female Models/Suits.

    I too would love to see this implemented but I'm not expecting anything soon. The devs have other priorities.
  7. Velourium

    New sense: Smell?

    This. Though make buckets random spawn at some barns for cleaning.
  8. Velourium

    Playable zombies

    I like it. Spawn as a zombie in a town. Kill people until you get taken out.
  9. Velourium

    I have become a monster..

    You're not a monster. You are a survivor. Unfortunately the best way to survive at the moment is kill or be killed in a situation where you run into an armed player. You can't trust anyone you don't know. Zombies need to be stronger so there is more incentive to team up. Some form of Bandit identification needs to be implemented so you can trust people without having to blast them before any interaction takes place. Ps. I love DayZ and in no way am I whining. Just suggesting.
  10. Velourium

    How i became a bandit

    Nice kill. I killed a pretty fresh survivor in electro the other day and his high level buddy came running in to get revenge. 2 down and an Alice Pack full of goodies!
  11. Velourium

    Altering Z by influencing PVP

    I agree zombies should be more deadly in groups. And he's right about the blood thing. 12L is too much for realism. Those Blood Bags have 1.5L tops by the look of it. Though this would change a lot of current mechanics in game.
  12. Velourium

    Need help east of Electro

    Sure. I'll "help" you...
  13. I find it best to not loot without backup in the populated areas. Right now I have 2 Murders, 0 Bandits.
  14. Hi Survivors, Today I was playing with my buddy who just started the game. It took me a while to get to the coast to meet up with him, during which he hit up electro as best as he could. Being new to the game he aggroed alot of zeds and lost a bit of blood but was able to survive and obtain a bit of loot. This is where things got more interesting. My friend legs it out of Electro and we meet up in the hills to the NNE of the Firestation just outside of Electro. I'm standing at the edge of the treeline, watching to see if any Zed's or players are heading our way. My friend arrives and sprints past me. I turn and see him standing in front of a tent that is twenty yards behind me (dumb of me not to spot it earlier). In a post-apocalyptic world, supplies are supplies so we loot all the stuff out of the tent we can carry and leg it over the hill. I perform a Blood transfusion and we both remark on the loot we took. Being a little greedy, we decide to make a second pass to see if we missed anything. As we approach the tent, the music changes and becomes more suspenseful. I slow my pace to a slow prone walk. My friend continues to sprint and shots are fired. I spot a player 30 yards out firing at us. We both drop down and last a full clip into him. He falls. We take all his stuff too. We move back to the tent. Another figure passes by in the corner of screen. We drop another clip into him but it seems like he dcs. We call it a day and peel out. Not bad for my mates first life still.
  15. Great idea. Once I get better Ill come help kill some assholes.