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Posts posted by iSmoke

  1. I also cannot see anyone else's direct chat, nor have i ever heard anyones direct voice chat. But i have confirmed that ppl can see my chat thru skype with a friend. Dunno what the problem with direct chat is? I have the six updater so i know i have the latest beta...

  2. Same reason why minecraft released the game before it was even closed to finished (Still not)

    For the feedback on new features.

    This is simply an experiment it's not even his true stand alone game. It's a mod.

    Also. He never released it. It was found by a group of people who managed to figure out how to install it.

    He has a job. He has his military employment checks, and he has donations from people wanting to know more about the game and get it out there, as well as fun raisers and sponsors who are supporting his mod to go stand alone. That's where any money is coming from, all of that is going towards his food, shelter and the rest probably conventions to show it off (Very small conventions mind you, so far its been like 50 people max, who probably only payed 10 bucks for a ticket and that money will be going towards the nest convention). He gets no money from you if you chose not to directly give it to him,

    Now please, go cry where you have even less knowledge of the subject at.

    Perhaps the Mod Nexus.

    Oh wait. They have even less tolerance for people like you in the community and ban them pretty well.

    Maybe the DayZ forums should lay down some stricter rules.

    You bring up valid points. But i highly doubt he will never profit off this free mod. Just because something is free doesnt mean it doesnt make money.

    You're word "Ban" doesnt scare me. And throw up a buncha rules you fucking nazi i dont care.

  3. GeordieMarv. Your answer doesn't give me any information. You're a fucking tool and i dont care if its fucking free theyre obviously making money off it u dipshits arma is advertising DayZ and getting sales and theres got to be other things advertisement related that would make money for Rocket.

    So my response.


    right up your asshole.

    don't care if its in alpha. has nothing to do with the fact that it worked 2 patches ago.


    the "fix" DIDNT DO SHIT.

    so why dont u all stop sucking rockets cock you fucking faggots.

    Oh, and by the way now servers are autosaving their own character data different from the main servers.

    Lure people in with how good it could be, if only they could get into a server, and once they spend all day looting shit they lose it to debug zone.

    Nuff said.

    Let the raging begin!

    (here is where Rocket's hoes respond to me with RAGE)

  4. So i was playing last night on a seattle server and i happened to finally come across an M4A1. I was happy with my find, but upon relogging later i was transported to debug forest. empty wilderness.... WHAT THE FUCK. isnt that the point of me waiting 10x longer to log in than i used to? why the fuck update the game and make it 10x buggier if the problem ur trying to fix isnt fixxed. and now the hotfix doesnt let u log in at all? im not very impressed. was in the right direction but this games broken at the moment.

  5. so i was playing on this seattle server that happened to have side chat enabled. I had recently died, and was combing through electro for gear because thats where i happened to spawn. I searched the first firehouse, the more southern one. nothing. so i proceeded to move deeper into the city, where i noticed someone was holding up in the little apartment/office type building thing by the supermarket. I approached slowly, seeing if he was friendly. At first he did not shoot. I walked through the building, and out the back. As i creeped along i heard a shot ring off and hit right by my foot. I broke into a full sprint, zig zagged my way through lee enfield fire until i was safe at the northernmost firehouse. Luckily for me, there was an AKS-74 with a kobra sight up upstairs. i found an extra mag as well.

    So i made my way back and perched myself up on a hill northwest of the apartment building in electro the bandit was shooting at me from. I got prone and slowly inched myself behind a bush. I could see the guy moving around the roof, patrolling for survivors and going in and out of the small top room ever so often. This guy was killing ppl trying to gear up in electro, hardly worth the kill. I set up, aimed, and unleashed about half my first mag, barely hitting him once or twice. woops. Because the AKS-74 is so silent though the bandit had no idea where i was. he got up on the highest roof possible, got prone, and started searching for me with his rifle. when he went down the ladder, i lit him up with gunfire. His legs broken, he tried to inch his way back into the top most room after falling off the ladder. I double tapped his ass and he died.

    So i moved into the city and went up the building to claim my prize, remember, i was a new spawn so all i had was the AKS-74 i was lucky to find. When i got the roof there was a TWO MORE bandits waiting for me! luckily my trigger finger was faster and i sprayed one up, his one shot fired with his lee enfield missed me. He instantly died, but i was out of ak mags!!! I was able to retrieve a m1911 off the nearest body, and when i creeped around the corner to shoot the last bastard he had disappeared. Spooky. So i took the guys gear, ACCIDENTALLY looted the lee enfield into my backpack (didnt even want it) and moved back to my perch.

    My thought process was that if the third guy was still in the area, he would secure the bodies for his 2 friends to run back and loot what remained of their stuff. Both my AKS-74 and M1911 were out of ammo (i had to kill some zombies getting back to my perch). This is when the unwanted lee enfield became a miracle. I took out the lee enfield, set up behind a bush, and waited. Sure enough, the 3rd bandit showed up, poked his head out, and decided it was clear. He stood up looked around, gave me the time to line a shot up and BOOM.

    Headshot. Timber, his body falls limp with a thud.

    First time ive ever taken on more than one bandit at a time. These guys werent that good and were trying to pray on noobs so FUCK THEM. they got what was coming :)

    • Like 1

  6. I can see side chat and communicate in side chat with others on the server i play on because it is enabled, except this broadcasts to the entire server everything we're doing and is not safe and has gotten me killed.

    But when i used direct chat, i have never once been able to see someone's response. If people are asking me if im friendly, i do not see it. Within a minute, i am shot and looted. I met up with someone and they could see my Direct Chat apparantly but i could not see theirs.

    Please fix this... I cannot stand gearing up to die to the first person i see only because i cannot communicate with them :(
