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Everything posted by jovial

  1. jovial

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    At the very least we should be able to disarm someone who is unconscious. Then I wouldn't mind leaving them alive, unless the situation called for some actual killing (other clan, or just feeling like it :D).
  2. jovial

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only, or a GW2 model. Which is basically just that, but with some microtransactions. As long as the microtransactions were for purely cosmetical stuff, it would be alright. The problem is that when companies see the possible revenue from microtransactions, they get greedy..
  3. jovial


    This is already confirmed, but remains to be seen in what exact shape it will come. Base building. Gonna be awesome.
  4. jovial

    Tales of a butthurt player...

    Right now there are not as many incentives to team up and stay teamed up to outweigh the average players innate greed or paranoia. When more clan and group oriented content is added, stuff that requires teamwork and above all, trust, in order to operate that power plant or building or whatever, or build that massive underground base, have reliable access to nice vehicles, etc, I think there will be less backstabbing. There are good and serious clans out there, but right now some of them might just not see a reason to actually even care about recruiting, since you don't really need more than 5-6 people to do anything and be safe doing it. Edit : Still don't trust anyone in game. That will never change, deal with it. My own clan would probably hesitate to recruit anyone outside our own community even when they add more clan content. These forums too perhaps, but very selectivally.
  5. jovial

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    So basically it was fun until the bugs or glitches were experienced by yourself? So Steam are using this mods insane popularity to boost sales. So what? Is that Rockets fault? Did he come out and say "hai dudes come here this is live version stable mod just buy arma 2 mmkay"? Can you link that post?
  6. jovial

    Exactly how rare are animals?

    When you need them, they are nowhere to be seen. The rest of the time they are quite plentiful.
  7. jovial

    Headshots Required To Kill Zeds

    Zombies walking in buildings isn't intended though iirc? If it is, strong yes when pathing is fixed. If it isn't, weak yes, because it would still be cool. In practice it wouldn't have to be so painful. A legshot followed by a headshot would probably be a safe and effective way to deal with them then. Edit : Actually I will say no, because pathing isn't the only issue. Zombies are incredibly glitchy in general, warping, unpredictable, and I'm not sure this will ever be different in ARMA 2. I don't fancy having to shoot them twice if they are intended to run everywhere. Still yes if walking in buildings is intended though. :)
  8. Its an alpha. Go figure. But there is a reason ARMA 2 sales have skyrocketed. And its not a sudden urge to enjoy the core game. Nothing bad about it though. The core game and campaigns is something I will most likely play at some point, because I like coop shooters, and I've kinda gotten used to the quirkyness of the game through DayZ. But this is if, and its a big if, I can stop playing the crap out of DayZ. :) And if GW2 wasn't releasing soon and set to consume my life temporarily. And if DayZ didn't port over to the GODDAMN AWESOME LOOKING ENGINE of ARMA 3 and I didn't actually rejoice over that fact and the fact that I will buy that and probably just put "play ARMA 3 core campaign" above "play ARMA 2 core campaign" at that point. But you know, any time in between those things (oh yeah, add Path of Exile to that list), and I'm gonna enjoy me some core ARMA 2 action. :D Its not looking too good is it? That's cool. Still worth my 24.99 just for DayZ.
  9. I'm guessing its gonna go like this. Continue like this in alpha stage, possibly beta stage until Arma 3 is out, then port over to that engine, which according to what Rocket has stated should be extremely easy. At that point he will probably start to think about making it stand alone, based on the Arma 3 engine.
  10. jovial

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    It would be creepy as hell, nothing worse than creepy, scary children. I wouldn't mind it, but it might bring a shitstorm, and it feels like a very low priority feature.
  11. Do you just have no friends, or have never been in a clan in your life or something? Or are you just some ultra hardcore roleplayer type? In either case, yes, you are in the minority with this suggestion. Also, forget it. This isn't a game catered for the lone wolf players. You can solo it, that's your choice. But whatever endgame there will be will be driven by groups and clans. Just accept it, adapt to it, and join a clan if you can. The nature of the game of course makes you highly suspicious of new people, my own clan, we are actually a gaming community, would actually be hesitant to recruit anyone into our group who isn't already a part of our community. With more clan and group oriented content coming, base building, electricity, etc, you can expect people will let down their guards some though, because people will actually want to group up and form a bond to accomplish something real in the game, instead of setting up ambushes or backstabbing.
  12. You got the right idea. Find a group or clan. You'll see the game suddenly became ten times as much fun.
  13. What you're talking about is a endgame of sorts. Since getting these vehicles practically requires a group, and future base building, electricity grids, etc will require it for sure, its the same thing really, unless you want to get into semantics and be picky. Thats the great thing about sandbox games. Sure there are things which can be construed as being endgame (vehicles, bases, high end equipment, etc) but they don't really matter much without a group. Its all about the group.
  14. jovial

    Fuck Kamenka! *RESPAWN*

    This. I think most groups and clans out there focus their area of operations to either west or east of the map. If you end up on the complete opposite side of the map when you die, that means you'll likely be spending the entire gaming session getting back to your friends. I think that is too much as it puts a damper on group activity if one or more people of a group die. Having to take 10-15 minutes to regroup, which is what I estimate the time would be if we could choose east or west, is perfectly acceptable though. Let us pick east or west side, perhaps even enabling inland spawning in the same turn to make up for this small allowance. :)
  15. I love it, and as someone else said, I gotta think that electricity and lights were part of the original design philosophy, as a way to get around the pitch black nights. This is the kind of content which will make the endgame shine. True oldschool sandbox fun. Warms my heart.
  16. jovial

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    I like the idea, and if it can be implemented easily at this point, might as well try it out, it is alpha after all. What this game needs is more base building / clain oriented content, anything along those lines until we can get the more advanced base building I've seen Rocket post about would be a godsend.
  17. jovial

    Rocket's overall plan.

    OP : You're playing a hardcore sandbox mod in alpha. Just shut up. You're not being constructive and if you don't like the mod in its current state, leave and come back when its in beta, or perhaps graduated to a stand alone game project.
  18. lol DayZ in a nutshell IMO. :D
  19. This. People who whine about the PvP system most likely come from non-sandbox games. They don't understand the concept of a sandbox game. They are used to game mechanics enforcing playstyles. You can change the rules of the game, or at least your own server, by organizing yourselves, doing this thing the anti-PvP like to talk so much about, GROUPING. Oh wait, there isn't a button to join a group, with flashing lights telling you that guy over there is your buddy? Back to basics for fucks sake, recruit on forums, get your friends, clan members, family in on your project of making the Jolly Good Whitehat Clan on US-EU-DE-BRA #67493 or wherever the fuck. I realize some of you don't have friends or clans or don't even want to bother finding one since there actually isn't a major clan recruiting for every little server or you haven't found some stable servers to call your home yet. Well. It is alpha after all. We are in a chaotic stage of the game, and it can't cater to everyone. Later on, with more clan oriented content, more stable servers, etc, there will be no excuses left for not joining an appropriate clan for your playstyle. What you don't need to do however is whine over a feature which Rocket has made quite clear isn't going anywhere, that being the PvP system.
  20. jovial

    Average Zombie Kills

    Unless I'm looting buildings with my group and going in loud, I have no reason to kill zombies. My boredom levels have not grown higher than my need to not attract undue attention or give away my position levels on any of my characters. :D
  21. jovial

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    This. Perhaps in the future stand alone game, immense hordes would be technicaly possible, making urban raids a enterprise requiring a group.
  22. Great, another reason to put up Barbed Wire. :D
  23. jovial

    Best Music To Play DayZ To.

    One of the few games where I can't listen to music while playing. Tried the game music, but it made me even more paranoid than usually.
  24. Also this while I'm in the thread. :) Some people can't handle the basic concept of sandbox games. They need rules and mechanics to enforce everything. Snipers are gonna kill you, and you can't kill them. Deal with it. Perhaps by grouping up, for some of the above mentioned reasons. Bandits in general are gonna kill you. Again, deal with it. Same solution.