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About Mortus

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Mortus

    Mountain Dew stories

    A can of Mountain dew raped my mother and killed my father.
  2. Mortus

    optimizing my laptop for dayz?

    Sounds more like your connection quality with the server more than your system if you are experiencing run speed lag.
  3. Mortus

    Why is there no punching in the game?

    We're all already masochists for playing this game, so why not.
  4. Mortus

    Completely unplayable

    Congrats, you are the 1,000,000th person to make this thread! Tell him what he's won, Johnny! Better?
  5. Mortus

    Respawning on the beach

    Happened to me today. Logged off at NW Airfield, logged back in later and I was in the beach. Lost my ALICE pack, AK-74U, revolver, and everything on my tool belt. All I had left was what was in my inventory and my cameo clothes I was wearing.
  6. When you warily eye radio towers for snipers.
  7. Mortus

    The trolling goes on

    Pick me up some General Tso's Spicy Chicken if you'd be so kind.
  8. Mortus

    Ghillie man haunts player in DayZ

    And thus, the legend of the Ghillie Suit Man was born.
  9. Mortus

    Green Mt.

    The only thing that awaits you there is death.
  10. Mortus

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I have had multiple encounters with the Ghost Goat. It'll be wandering around all normal-like, but as soon as you approach it, it disappears.
  11. Mortus

    I'm sure Rocket will concede and release it for you. All the other 'release nao!!!' Threads just didn't have you passion.
  12. Mortus

    Would you kill them or trade them

    A better idea would be to have a mobile trade vehicle and only bring it in for the trades after the area is deemed safe. A static outpost is always far more vulnerable to attack.
  13. Mortus

    Buttercup! US 630 Contact me ASAP

    Admit it. You tied his boot laces together. ;)
  14. I'd like to see this, though I doubt it'll happen. People still think true weapon silencing is a real thing.