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About mokum

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Take time to read ,, you will fix your server in no time whit this link. Good luck http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55657-start-here-a-beginners-guide-to-dayz-servers-and-administration/
  2. Manual download at front page off this website http://dayzmod.com/ ,, see left above download version
  3. The ATOC and PPAA are come whit patch 1.62 ,, to delete the .cfg file that will not work. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/A2OA:_Patch_v1.62 ,,, [93897] New: AToC & PPAA added into UI video options ,,,
  4. mokum

    Waypoints only allowed with a GPS

    Agree to play it whitout a waypoint but keep the gps and map in Dayz. a NV is not easy to find it, let the gps and map olso make it harder to find. And about the waypoint a admin can set it on/off let the server runs it on the expert settings,not the standard veteran or regulier way.
  5. mokum


    No steam user ,, if you install your arma correct (you have start up arma whit no error) and have your @Dayz folder corect in your main folder, go for the beta patch on here http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ if you install the beta go to your arma main folder and copy the beta shortcut to your desktop and start on there your arma2 beta and in expansion turn on Dayz.
  6. If you can, take your pc and try at a friend whit cable connection and try it. Wifi is not the way for good game conection.
  7. http://www.dayzwiki....to_install_DayZ it must work a steam version and a retail version to make arma2 combinend. Edit: maby this will help as well http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2795444
  8. Do you have both install in one folder to make arma 2 combinend.
  9. mokum

    NVG glasses in [warning: spoiler]

    If you play chernarus maby this can help http://dayzdb.com/map#2.066.065
  10. mokum

    .pbo file and addon error

    Try it whitout the launcher`s ,,in your arma 2 main folder you see a shortcut off arma2beta,start the game and in expansion enable Dayz. Can be that the launhers work diffrent whit combined ops. than the arma2 and arma2 arrowhead way.
  11. mokum

    DayZ Mod Update

    Will be nice if this be in Dayz, or test it in a new patch http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vklOq6KFQy4
  12. mokum

    script restriction 85

  13. mokum

    script # 85

    Try this one ,,, look for ure appdata folder in windows,,,see folder local open it,,,see arma 2 oa folder open it ,,,see "MpMissionCache" folder open it and delete all .pbo files.(this are the files what your download if you join a server) Try again to join a server. If you not know where the appdatafolder is.
  14. mokum


    If your friend can play Dayz he sell not have Arma OA but Arma CO. (CO stands for combined operation, arma 2 and arma 2 operation arrowhead as one ) http://www.arma2.com/
  15. mokum


    jblackrupert,,, i have the disc off reinforcement and that disc have not the weapons and vehicle`s that are in arrowhead. Like arrowhead have the mk16/17 weapons and reinforcement he xm8 serie weapons,, becose the reinforcement is a expansion pak. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARMA_2:_Operation_Arrowhead "On 29 August 2010 a downloadable content pack named British Armed Forces (BAF) was released worldwide which added the British Army faction to the game, including units and new vehicles.[12] The second downloadable content pack, Private Military Company (PMC), adds the ability for the player to play as a contractor for a private military company. It also includes a new campaign and additional vehicles and challenges.[13] British Armed Forces and Private Military Company DLCs were bundled onto DVD and released as an expansion called Arma 2: Reinforcements on 1 April 2011.[14] On 1 August 2012, a third DLC titled Army of the Czech Republic (ACR) was released.[15]"