After being out in the wilds for days of playtime with some mates coming across some great loot got myself a thermal L85A2 AWS,a glock 17 but no bag i was stick stuck with the standard 8 slot you receive at the start. I decided to head back towards civilisation in search of a better bag and some delicious beans. I was working my way through Electro having finished checking one of the fire stations alas no bag or beans :( When i saw a survivor walk into the general store slowly made my way towards him trying not to agro any z's on the way. He left before i could get inside but didn’t see me and made his way inside a little cafe opposite. I start to hear 2 people talking over general saying hello asking what he had found in the mall. I though at this point its now or never one of them must have a better bag i was getting edgy i had already spent far too long in the town and wanted to head back up north again. I learnt round the corner and proceeded to fire. The first survivor went down with the first burst but the 2nd had managed to hit me and i was bleeding and down to 7k health, to make matters worse he was still alive another burst and i put him out of his misery. After bandaging myself i went to survey my spoils. Survivor number 1 had nothing of worth on his body , survivor number two however was the jackpot i needed an Alice bag with all 20 slots filled with tasty beans and he was carrying morphine saving me from spending any longer in the city.