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About KlausB

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    South Africa
  1. KlausB

    What about adding AH-6X.

    Dayz doesnt need more western military stuff, a russian Mi helicopter would be nice though.
  2. KlausB

    Crowbar uses?

    Finally the crowbar would become a little bit help and useful
  3. KlausB

    Backpacks change

    Good suggestion, makes sense and should be implemented
  4. KlausB

    New Vehicle (the Ural)

    Thinking of gamebalancing the items used to repair vehicles (e.g. wheels) should be generic for all vehicles. Adding different types of engines, wheels and fuel tank parts will make repairing vehicles nearly impossible, cause it has to be done quick on a full server.
  5. KlausB

    New Vehicle (the Ural)

    Replacing the ATV with this motorcycle would make sense to me
  6. KlausB

    M16/M4 Beta Mags

    How could I forget about that! Of course you just type in the classname of the new mag and with some funny noise it draws itself a 3D model and implements itself in the game, like magic.
  7. KlausB

    Add IMI weapons to DayZ

    I dont see a valid reason for israeli made firearms in soviet chernarus scenario. There are much more russian weapons to be applied before one may think of some exotic deserteagle gold/tigerstripe with 0.05% spawn chance ;)
  8. KlausB

    M16/M4 Beta Mags

    Excellent idea, beta mags would boost a M16 to a lightweight machinegun if needed. Otherwise this has no priority considering it takes some developmenttime to implement.
  9. Hello everybody, currently I am wondering what the reason is for a) The abscence of the great silenced makarov implemented in Arma2 OA http://www.arma2.com/images/stories/weapons/arma2weapons_Makarov-silenced.jpg B) Why we have a PDW (very uncommon in chernarus scenario) but no SA-61 Scorpion. http://www.arma2base.de/content/images/game/arma2weapons_Sa61.jpg A silenced makarov which is not as superhardcore rare than M9 SD would be awesome for mid tier equiped survivors, the Scorpion suggestion is just a matter of course.
  10. KlausB

    inventory slot

    Medical Items dont need balancing, autoinjectors are supposed to take one slot for a reason.
  11. KlausB

    Fishing? Comments wanted

    Excellent idea, all the new survivors on the coast will now sit still fishing. --> AS50 to the head
  12. KlausB

    Drinking rain

    I always drink water like this, it saves me 100 bucks a year on soda. /true story
  13. KlausB

    A good way to hide a vehicle better

    Some camonet which isnt a garage or some place to drive under but would fit the car in parking like a ghilie suit. It should look like this: https://shop.maennlein.de/article-images/800041.jpg
  14. KlausB

    Weapon Russianization (WARNING: Big, detailed post)

    Best suggestion in this thread is to replace the Lee-Enfield with Mosin-Nagant. Just think of the commonness of a british ww2 rifle in post soviet country... they arent common, but mosin-nagant will be.
  15. KlausB

    Bicycle can have backpacks

    Bikes are currently overpowered, they are very fast, dont need fuel and when you find them they dont need to be repaired, unless damaged by some other player.