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About nickcakes

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  1. nickcakes

    Coop? Why the hell coop?

    Nope, didn't waste my time reading it. Your OP was enough dumb for me.
  2. nickcakes

    Coop? Why the hell coop?

    3rd party chat is NOT gamebreaking, and will always be part of any game. this is a PVP game, and the game 'mode' is probably set to co-op to put everyone on the same team for coding purposes. sorry that you have no friends.
  3. nickcakes

    Pat Down Feature.

    or i could just shoot you in the face and take a look at all your loot that way
  4. Having looked through the dayz files, it appears that the loot respawns are on a 10 minute timer from when the pile originally spawned as well. Thought you might want to include that in your OP if you can confirm it.
  5. nickcakes

    Random Story - Twas Funny.

    there's a stickied story thread for these already
  6. This is a game. Not real life.
  7. If you aren't modifying the game in any way and it hasn't been deemed an exploit by the devs, then it isn't. Server hopping for loot is within the current game mechanics. It may be cheap, yes, but the only people who have declared it an exploit are crybabies on forums, not the devs, so it isn't.
  8. nickcakes

    Get rid of this mindset

    Yes. Other than the giant maps, pretty much every fps engine does all of these things significantly better. I have high hopes for dayz on arma3 engine.
  9. nickcakes

    DayZ Unofficial 500 Slot Public Teamspeak!

    this will end well
  10. nickcakes

    Get rid of this mindset

    Arma 2 is a dated, buggy engine. DayZ is good because of the game concept itself, not the engine it runs on.
  11. nickcakes

    De-Evolution of the Human Race

    This is a video game. You can't draw a single inference from it in regards to human nature.
  12. nickcakes

    Need a transfusion!!!!

    save yourself some time and just hit the respawn button in your game menu
  13. Being friendly and kind to everyone you see sounds like a real shitty way to survive a zombie apocalypse.
  14. nickcakes

    De-Evolution of the Human Race

    Every time you post, I become a bit more embarrassed to be part of the same human race as you do.