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About Plainer

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Plainer

    B Team Dayz Server 1PP No Traders

    I collected a few clips made a trailer for it! 70% of the clips used where from this server. The opening clip is from a previous trader server, our server does not use traders (thank jebus).
  2. Plainer

    Ability to shoulder primary weapon?

    Eh.. if your in the middle of a heavily populated city in a populated server.. I'd be caught dead running through the streets into the outskirts. Only for other players to gawkingly laugh until ether I am dead, or until they take their stake and kill me first. If you have 1-2 zombies on you, quickly switching primary weapons could keep you: A. Concealed. B. Alive. C. Allowing you to continue through the city as relatively safe as before.
  3. Plainer

    Cross Server Vehicle Saves.

    Limit saved vehicle(s) to one-per-person. The vehicles would not stay beyond 5 minutes of you logged out. Create a finite number of vehicles per-map, say 10. If 10 people join the server with a saved vehicle, then no vehicles would be randomly placed across the map. If the server has 11+ people, all with saved cars, upon that 11th person joining, the vehicle that spawns in with them would have something like "a broken break line" that is only fixable by stealing another players working one. The car would have some visual cue to show that its not working so passers by would know its useless. Players could sneek up to another players working car, steal their break lines, then run off into a forest and head back to repair their own car. It's a little far fetched, but its better than having no vehicle.
  4. Plainer

    Ability to shoulder primary weapon?

    I like this idea. I hate dropping everything to switch to a Hatchet. If your in someplace like Stary Sobor, you don't want to fire your AKM. You lose 50% of your blood switching - if you don't fall unconscious by then.
  5. I can't tell you how annoying it is to FINALLY find a car, only to save it and come back the next day with 5 of your friends playing in different servers. I want to keep what I found... That is all! :)
  6. Is all trash the same? Does a Tin-Can make as much noise as a whiskey bottle? How about soda cans? While we're at it, what is the range on chem-lights, smoke grenades, and road flares? I know relatively what they are from experimenting, but I'm curious if theres actual numbers documented on this. It seems to me that tin-cans nearly have to actually make contact with the zombie for it to even realize that its there. Plus, whats with some zombies not giving a damn about flares or smoke grenades? They just walk by them as if nothing happened. Where does the "noise" exist with smoke grenades/flares? If the object bounces off of the ground, does that make a sound? Or only where its resting place lies at? Do they have to be looking at it to know its there? If it lands behind them, are they less likely to notice? I wish there was a safe way to practice with all types lol... I don't want to risk losing my character just yet.