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Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

  1. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ) Is the Uh-1H added or next update?

    I think we should have a ceremony for the re release of the Huey
  2. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ) Is the Uh-1H added or next update?

    [NEW] Radar removed from helicopter (UH1H will be added back to vehicle spawns)That means to me that it is in the process of being added back but not yet??
  3. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Getting annoyed with Vilayer

    Lets not forget the fact that these instance ID's need time to be givin to the company, Also that someone has to install them and you not god so your in a que, Also that 4 hours is nothing 4 days is when yu should start to complain. Just grow up and have some patience. Vilayer is the best host IMO, Never had any problems
  4. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    New Server no Vehicles Spawned

    Here is my secret :) http://www2.picturepush.com/photo/a/8684080/img/Anonymous/dayz-vehicles-spawns-%28wiki%29.png
  5. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Taking away even more access to our servers?

    Maybe instead of butt fucking all of us with their rules why the fuck dont they host their owner servers, So people are not bitching here about fags who kick people ban people. I am myself tired of all these stupid little things they regulate, The thing that buggs me is the locking restrictions, if i buy a server WITH MY OWN MONEY i have all the rights i want to lock it, Bf3 servers are allwoed to be locked. But in that case its a different concept all together. What ever the case. I think we need more control as a server owner and not all this confusion and insecurity of being BLACKLISTED. Maybe think a bit more real.
  6. US366 has been canceled, Doesnt exist no more..
  7. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    US366 Official thread

    Hi, I own US366, A New Zealand timezone server of 40 slots. Its not representing any clan or alike. Please respect all your fellow player. Server Settings are as follows.. Difficulty: Regular Player Slots: 40 3rd Person View: On Auto Aim: Off Auto Spot: Off Tags: On Crosshair: On In-Game Voice: On High ping kick 250m/s
  8. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    US366 Official thread

    Server has been canceled.
  9. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Dear US 1012

    Thats very irresponsible of the server owner, Id consider if this is true an infringement. Its not in the dayz server rules i think so not breaking any but still sad to do that.
  10. Arguable but i see your point. Id take a processor with 8 cores 3.4ghz per core 16mb cache. or around that.
  11. I tried a server with these guys, It took them over 5 days to get it up, When it was up it wasnt working what so ever. Couldnt play or anything... May of improved now but doubt it. Also E3 are crap get an E5
  12. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Is there servers with dissabled server hopping ?

    Your asking a question that cant be answered. Makes no sense...
  13. There is a large amount compared to most servers of hackers in NZ servers, mainly because most new zealanders want to look big and cool so they get hacks.
  14. Can we all just fucking grow up accept your differences, We all make mistakes. Mistakes have been made. This thread is going nowhere but a useless argument. Come the fuck on, I thought you all held a little more dignity than this.
  15. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    US366 Official thread

    Seems like all the vehicles have dissapeared... Same with all tents.
  16. If you enjoy playing with hackers, visit a New Zealand server. You are guaranteed to see a hacker in his natural habitat... I run US366 a server with a NZ timezone. So i skip all the hackers :)
  17. Hi, My server has stopped working due to this error: Obsolete/unsupported BattlEye version, please reinstall BE So i submitted multiple support tickets and got no response, In the mist of it under the updates part of the control panel it had Dayz 95054, 94087, and 95208 you know what i mean, So i put on the 208 and still the same issue, Later on i checked it again and had another update for battle as follows: Battleye 94945+ Installed Also when we try to join it gives the bad version server rejection. But now ith 208 it doesnt even register on any server lists, must be the battle eye error.... As you can see it states installed. So i with all the hope i had and 10 people just going insane cause we can finally play on my server, Got the same error... So here i am wondering what is wrong or how can i update it without fucking around with a company that doesnt answer support tickets. That company is Vilayer, Slack of them to not even give me a heads up? Please help out Much appreciated!
  18. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Server: Obsolete/unsupported BattlEye version, please reinstall BE!

    Okay jsut updated it seems to work WOOOOHOOOOO
  19. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    How I Learned to Start Worrying and Hate The Bandits

    Pro tip: Be a bandit or your gonna get killed.
  20. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    So you guys ghost us, Fake we are hacking if 2006 is with you, Apparently stalk us for about 1 hour when we travel about 50km from the stated points you see us, Then you kill us with a grenade thing and fire close to 20-25 rounds. Then we kick you for ghosting which is not illegal to kick, then you bitch here. Maybe fix your minds.
  21. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Fix Vehicles!

    If you have any sort of intelligence you are hard done by finding vehicles in old servers, You need to get on a server that has just been setup or hunt for peoples camps. No one puts any camps in the open. So look in the black forest or up north off the map or near a dam. And why the hell did i tell you this now we are gonna get little fags raiding our camps.